Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to keep a 1-year old entertained on a long flight?

magnetic travel toys for toddlers on Pocket Travel Wind Up Magnetic Fishing Game - Toys -
magnetic travel toys for toddlers image


So I'm going on a long flight with my 1 year old pretty soon. Unfortunately I couldn't find a flight during his nap time, so I'm really worried of how the flight is going to be. He does not like to be held for too long and he is going on my lap. What can I do to entertain him during the flight?

when you get on the plane...and eveyone is seated...If there isn't an empty seat next to you(you could get lucky) Ask the filght attentand IF they coudl find you a seat with an empty seat next to you. Someone may be willing to swtich with you, or there may be 2 empty seats avaiable.

A dvd player..with some of his favorite shoes/movies...will help. If he likes to watch tv. them! don't put them on rigth away. try and get an hour in....bring him on the plane hungry..starve! so he can eat a meal. If you have a laptop, ipad, iphone,kindle(with internet) download some kiddy games, or just let him play with it for a while. OR books..coloring books? small toys, puzzles..leapfrog makes magnetic puzzles..they are great, if he likes puzzles. Connect 4!! as toddlers both my kids loved putting the checkers in....then letting them go..and doing it over and over again! they make a travel version. Snacks..bring snacks. Visit the bathroom, once an hour..wash your can pee if you have to(: just to get up out of your seat for 5 minutes. He is a baby..but a lolly pop, since he will be on your lap may buy you 15 minutes. Bubble GUM!! face him, facing you..blow bubbles and let him pop a game..don't let him pop every one..I am not a fan of kids using ear phones but..if he likes..kiddie music, download raffi, laurie berkeer or some fun kiddie songs for him to listen to.

When taking toddlers on a long flight..."rules" can be broken for the day(: Wake him up an hour earlier..maybe he will nap. Or maybe you will get lucky and he will get board to sleep!

I traveled with 2 toddlers. 1 and 3. the flight was 3 hours..and it went surprisingly well! I was very prepared, Crayola...Color majic stuff is fantastic!!! no mess, and kept them occupied. there is also (cant think of the name) but paint books, there is a "special" paint brush you put water in and when painted..makes a lovely picture. the paint is on the paper..the water makes the color come out.

Good Luck...I will keep my fingers crossed for you...that he will take a nap!

Looking for toys for 2-4 year olds to have in the car while on vacation to keep them happy..Any suggestions?


We're going to Florida from Texas this weekend with a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl and they need toys to keep them busy!

This is a hard one. You will have much more luck with the 4 year old than the 2 year old, simply because you have to worry about choking hazards with the younger one. Music and DVD's (if you have them) are always good (there are specific CD's/Tapes made for road trips) and coloring books/regular picture books, are also a staple.
For some other more specific ideas, Lauri makes travel totes that are have lots of activities in each package. You can look at them on their website (ones for the 4 yr old under Activity Packs and even one suitable for the 2 yr old under Toys for Twos--the Toddler Tote). Another idea is Wikki Stix (they are wax sticks that can be manipulated to make fun stuff, like clay but without the mess, and they can even be put on car windows!). Alex makes a fun craft activity kit that hangs from the back of a car seat (although you would have to take out some of the crafts to make it suitable for the 2yr old) and there is also a magnetic license plate game :)
Magnetic drawing boards (such as the one made by Battat below) are also good because they are self contained.
A good selection of activity books for all ages can be fount on the Buki website,and I am also a fan of discovering pictures by pencil shading for the younger one (like paint with water, only with a pencil so better for the car).
Websites for everything below (although I'm sure you can find a lot of it at a local toy store). Good Luck!!

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