Monday, April 14, 2014

Are there requirements for covering toddler car seats when checking them as luggage during air travel?


Later this week, we will be flying with our 1 1/2 year-old daughter for the first time. Are there requirements pertaining to how a toddler car seat must be wrapped if you will be checking it as luggage? For instance, is wrapping the car seat in plastic sufficient or must in be placed in something more substantial, like a duffle bag? Thanks for your help!

You do not have to wrap the car-seat; you can hand it to the gate agent right at the gate (not where you drop your suitcase off, but right before you board the plane) and they will gate-check it for you. But it is much better to bring it on board and put the toddler in it for the duration of the flight. This usually costs extra because the child will need his own seat-- some airlines charge 10% of adult fee, some charge full fare--- but it is worth it because lap babies are NOT safe at all in severe turbulence or in an emergency or crash. This time of year, if you are travelling in the US (particularly across the Midwest) there is very unsettled weather, which means flights will be very bumpy; I have recently seen a flight attendant actually fall down due to unexpected turbulence, and twice in the last year I have seen unrestrained lap babies fall very hard to the floor when the turbulence was very bad. In a crash, your child will have no chance of surviving if he is not restrained. I hate to sound so scary but it's simply not worth taking that kind of risk with your child's safety just to save some money--- you would never dream of putting him on your lap in the car, going 60mph on the freeway. That plane is going 500mph, 30,000 feet above the ground...

Can I pack less with a toddler?


We are leaving this week for 10 days to visit family in another state, and I feel like there's no way we could pack less...
B/w my husband and I we have 2 suitcases for clothes. My 2 year old has a small suitcase with his clothes. I am taking a small backpack with camera and stuff...
We have to take the stroller..
We have to take the diaper bag...
We have to take another small bag with his medications and his nebulizer...
Is it normal to carry so much for just 2 adults and 1 kid... thank goodness we rented a full size car...

I travel a lot with my husband for his job and we are pros at packing :)

We take only the small umbrella type stroller and we only take diapers and wipes for the drive/travel day, we then buy small packs to use where we are and then usually we have used them up by the time we are ready to leave. If we are staying somewhere with a washer, we only bring 1 set of clothes per day, knowing we can wash things and we pack our outfits (and our daughter's clothes) to match with 1 pair of shoes. I also got a purse ( that doubles as a purse and diaper bag - it's the best thing I have found. You can keep cups, toys, a few diapers and wipes, plus all of your stuff as well. My suggestion is always take what you MUST and buy what you can wherever you are going :)

Good Luck,
Lisa Smith

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