Thursday, April 17, 2014

Traveling with an 8 month old?


I will be making an 8 hour trip right after Thanksgiving to spend a month with my family while my husband is deployed. My son at this point is about 7 months old and eats about 32 oz of formula a day and 2-3 jars of food. What are some tips to make my trip not too long but still get my son's needs met? What can I do to make the trip more enjoyable for him? We are going by car.
I know that I will have to stop every hour or two, unless he's napping. I just want to know how to avoid a 16 hour trip!

Well an 8 month old is likely to sleep most of the trip, but do plan stops for diaper changes, feedings and little bit of play time with mommy. Let him out of his car seat for at least a minimum of 20 minutes to stretch. Your trip wont be as hard as you think, unless he doesnt like car rides. Plan to stop about every 2-3 hours and when it comes time to stop if he is snoozing good, keep going providing there is going to be another rest stop, convenience store, or restaurant not far along. Take along his favorite teddy bear, get him some toys that attach to the car seat to keep him busy and entertained.
Good luck and have a safe trip.
Oh and by the way. Tell your husband THANK YOU! And may GOD bring him home safe!

Suggest some tips for handling 20 months old in an international flight travel to another country?


I recently took my 5 kids (ages 5, 3, 1, 4 months & 4 months) with me and a good friend who went along on an international flight. I probably won't attempt it any time again soon. Just make sure that you have something to keep your child occupied like a quiet toy or two. Also, try to bring maybe something like cheerios to snack on and maybe a cup of juice or something. If your child can sleep some on the flight that would be best for everyone. Good luck to you both!

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