Soon I am going to have to fly to Nevada to see my dad and his fiance, I have to bring along my daughter, who will be 18 months old by then. I am really nervous, even though it is only a 2 hour flight, I know my daughter will not be able to sit still for that long.
I have a couple questions..
1. What stuff for my toddler am I NOT ALLOWED to bring on the plane? (pack in the suitcase, carry on..ect..)
2. How can I keep her occupied during the flight?
3. What do I do if she throws a fit?
4. Should I bring a carseat? Where will she sit?
5. I cant bring any drinks or food for her, can I?
I know it probably will go way easier than I expect, but Im still nervous about it. Please help!
1.) Here is a list of what you can an cannot bring both in your carry-on and checked bags, direct from the TSA website:
2.) Pack plenty of things to entertain your daughter. My children bring coloring books, a Doodle Pad, Leap Pads (+ booklets), & scrap paper. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear & my son likes to bring along action figures. I found that a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books & sheets, & stickers.
I take the contents out of the box & place them in a travel pack. Here is my sons: - outside - inside
Let your child (I let mine start this at age one) pick out her own carry on bag & a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without her seeing so that she has an extra surprise when she opens her carry-on.
3.) Keep your calm and try to distract her with something to play with. You can also get up and walk the aisles with your daughter.
4.) Definitely bring her car seat - you will glad you did! Airlines offer bassinets for some (not all - usually just long-haul) flights. However, the number on board is limited and you are not guaranteed to get one. If you are unable to get one, then you will be holding your child in your lap for the entire flight.
If it is at all possible, I highly suggest you buy your child a seat. Many airlines offer half-price tickets so parents can be guaranteed that their child can travel in a CRS device. You should call your airline to ask for a discount and/or ask what the airline's policy is for using empty seats.
Here is a link where I talk about it's importance:;_ylt=Al1UbRoXsX5ZhEr3KUq4cuzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081020143755AAcr1Qs&show=7#profile-info-e9FRoo9gaa
5.) You are allowed to bring food and drinks for your daughter as well.
Liquid and powder formula, milk, juice, baby food, and water are allowed in quantities over 3oz (100ml). Here is a link that will give you all the details:;_ylt=ApaVhxxUaNiiEsDfths2ADjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081002064751AAqUtKH&show=7#profile-info-Y3IuVmeiaa
Bring Snacks! Just add water packets of food, cheerios, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. You can also bring a limited amount of yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)
I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 9&6, 10 months and currently pregnant with #4). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international & domestic flights a year as a family. Due to this, I have written a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.
If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.
1.) Here is a list of what you can an cannot bring both in your carry-on and checked bags, direct from the TSA website:
2.) Pack plenty of things to entertain your daughter. My children bring coloring books, a Doodle Pad, Leap Pads (+ booklets), & scrap paper. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear & my son likes to bring along action figures. I found that a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books & sheets, & stickers.
I take the contents out of the box & place them in a travel pack. Here is my sons: - outside - inside
Let your child (I let mine start this at age one) pick out her own carry on bag & a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without her seeing so that she has an extra surprise when she opens her carry-on.
3.) Keep your calm and try to distract her with something to play with. You can also get up and walk the aisles with your daughter.
4.) Definitely bring her car seat - you will glad you did! Airlines offer bassinets for some (not all - usually just long-haul) flights. However, the number on board is limited and you are not guaranteed to get one. If you are unable to get one, then you will be holding your child in your lap for the entire flight.
If it is at all possible, I highly suggest you buy your child a seat. Many airlines offer half-price tickets so parents can be guaranteed that their child can travel in a CRS device. You should call your airline to ask for a discount and/or ask what the airline's policy is for using empty seats.
Here is a link where I talk about it's importance:;_ylt=Al1UbRoXsX5ZhEr3KUq4cuzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081020143755AAcr1Qs&show=7#profile-info-e9FRoo9gaa
5.) You are allowed to bring food and drinks for your daughter as well.
Liquid and powder formula, milk, juice, baby food, and water are allowed in quantities over 3oz (100ml). Here is a link that will give you all the details:;_ylt=ApaVhxxUaNiiEsDfths2ADjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081002064751AAqUtKH&show=7#profile-info-Y3IuVmeiaa
Bring Snacks! Just add water packets of food, cheerios, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. You can also bring a limited amount of yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)
I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 9&6, 10 months and currently pregnant with #4). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international & domestic flights a year as a family. Due to this, I have written a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.
If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Traveling with a 16 month old and a 3 year old....any tips?

I am going on vacation with my family...there will be 8 kids total 7 are 4 and under. Any tips on making the trip easier with my 2 girls? BTW we are going gatlinburg for 4 days. 1 whole day will be spent at dollywood.
We are driving and its a 4 hour drive. I already have a dvd player in my car. Last time we went we just had my 3 yr old. She was 2 at the time. It was too hot to bring the baby last year. I've never really traveled with both of them. So I don't know how well my 16 month old will do with being in a hotel for 4 days.
I don't know if you're flying or driving, and this makes a big difference.
If you are flying, be sure to bring sippy cups that require the girls to suck really hard, and give them each a drink upon take off and landing.
If you are driving, consider investing in a double portable DVD player to install in the car. Even if you don't let the girls watch TV, it's worth it to purchase some some sanity.
You can also go to the dollar store or five-and-dime and stock up on snacks and small toys and treats for the trip. Whenever someone starts getting antsy, you have something new to keep them busy. Frequent stops (10 minutes out of the car every two-three hours) will also help. Don't forget each girls' favorite blanket/snuggly! This will help them feel secure and "at home."
Have fun!
I don't know if you're flying or driving, and this makes a big difference.
If you are flying, be sure to bring sippy cups that require the girls to suck really hard, and give them each a drink upon take off and landing.
If you are driving, consider investing in a double portable DVD player to install in the car. Even if you don't let the girls watch TV, it's worth it to purchase some some sanity.
You can also go to the dollar store or five-and-dime and stock up on snacks and small toys and treats for the trip. Whenever someone starts getting antsy, you have something new to keep them busy. Frequent stops (10 minutes out of the car every two-three hours) will also help. Don't forget each girls' favorite blanket/snuggly! This will help them feel secure and "at home."
Have fun!
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