Wednesday, June 4, 2014

adoption questions (just wondering)?


okay i know that i am just 13 but, like i just want to be prepared. Okay so like i dont understand how adoption works, only a couple of things. My first question is how would you adopt a child from a diff. country? would you have to go to that country? Also what steps are there to completing a adoption? I heard that it takes longer to get a newborn too, so opinions please And any other additional info is good :-) thanks!

so far i have only looked into international adoption.

you have to meet the requirements from the country that you choose. some may call for you to be only 18 years older than the child, others may be a little more difficult or require you to be married.

China requires you to be 30 when the adoption process is started and married. they may require your salary to be so high, or there to be so much per each person in the house hold. you can't be obese, or have a criminal record, of course you can't have a criminal record for any adoption. :D

some countries require travel, like Guatemala, but others, like Korea, can have the child escorted to the states, though you may have to travel to pick he/she up, it costs more as well. some countries might be more willing to allow you to adopt if you do travel though, and it may ease the foster family and/or caretakers more if they can meet you.

completing an adoption takes a ton of paper work and patience. you have to get fingerprinted and interviewed by social workers attend classes, do a home study, complete a dossier, and then wait for a referral.(info on your child, pictures, stuff like that)

in some countries, the wait can be as short as six months, in others the minimum wait can be as long as 2 years or longer. some people wait as long as a decade for their child. however i believe it is all worth the wait.

usually your child would be a toddler by the time you are able to meet. however sometimes you can take your baby home at as young as 6 months old. it depends on the country and your age at the time of adoption. if you are older when you adopt, you are most likely referred to older, or special needs children. if you are younger, your child will be most likely to be young, such as a year or so. (maybe even younger)

sometimes in some countries if you are single you will be referred to a older or a child with special needs.

another thing you should look into is special needs. some can be very minor and wait most people would consider a healthy child. older children(above the age of 3) are also considered special need children.

if you want a newborn, then you should probably find a birth mother, though then you pay all the fees for her pregnancy and she can still back out 30 days after the child is you.

i believe international adoption is a little more sure fire unless the laws of the country change while you're in the middle of adoption, like Vietnam.

also there's private adoption which can be cheaper, and you get an infant, but you have to locate the birth mother and she can back out still.

i hope this helps and remember to be strong if you do someday adopt.

Good Luck

What Y!A section should I move to?

Q. I don't like P&S anymore. I'd try R&S for a while but every time I go there I get a headache. I'm not cool enough for R&P yet. I could just troll Men's and Women's Health but that's too easy. Should I just pick a random section I know nothing about and give bad advice to people? I'm tempted to do that lol

Or should I just go to a completely different website? Because I'm bored with this place :\
Suggested Category: Pregnancy & Parenting > Pregnancy
R&S is Religion & Spirituality

But it gets boring trying convince people there's no god. I've trolled that section a lot in the past. I used to love making the religious people mad and telling them that I worship Satan and stuff like that.

What is R&S? I haven't been able to figure that one out.

Well, if you want privacy to ask questions without them being reported for stupid reasons, go here:
travel> vietnam> Phu Quoc
That's where I go most of the time, and when you ask questions there, only your contacts or their contacts will see it, so no unwanted reporters.

If you are looking for somebody to pick on and troll, you can try the baby name section or the cat section. They get really angry when you say stupid stuff. Anything to do with animals and babies is fun for trolls. I haven't done it, well except for that one time in the dog section, but that was a long time ago, and I thin it was a different account.

The troll I did:
"I was babysitting my friend's dog and she ran out into the street and got hit by a car."
And then when you click the question, it said, "And she died. But I found another dog that looks exactly like her, but its a male. So I took it to the vet to get neutered, but they didn't cut the whole thing off. And when I asked them to, they said they couldn't do that. So would it be ok if I gave the dog a few pain pills and did it myself with a wrench?"

Everybody was angry about it. It was obviously a joke, and SOOO many people took it seriously.

And then there was the one I asked in the toddlers section.
"Is 2 years old, old enough for a tattoo?"
Because my 2 year old assured me that he really wanted one, so I let him have it."
And then I put up a myspace picture of my son with a fake tattoo on his chest, and everybody started freaking out about it. There were a couple people that knew it was fake, but I had a few people cussing me out. It was pretty funny actually.

But, sadly, my trolling days are over. :/

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