Friday, September 13, 2013

How to convince my mom to let me get a pet?

travel toys 15 month old on Sacra Plausible Diadema... Con La Que Los�rigos ...
travel toys 15 month old image

- Sherlock

Im 15, and I really want a pet because I love taking care of things and I love animals. I suffer from severe depression (Ive been hospitalized 4 times) and being around animals makes me feel like I have a purpose. I have a cat, and Im the one who feeds him and takes care of him and bathes him, clips his claws, empties the litter-box, etc. Im currently applying for every job I can find, I also have $350 saved and my birthday is tomorrow.
My mom wont let me get hampsters, geneau pigs or fish because she hates them, so I dont know what to get, so what would you reccomend?

I suggest that you try a rabbit, - if you get one from a young age and handle it every day then it will become a loving companion. ( my rabbit jumps up on the sofa and sits with me ) My rabbit lives indoors and is a house rabbit, she's well potty trained so if she is running around the living room if she needs to do any business she'll jump back in her cage go to her potty and do what she has to do.

With rabbits you can potty train them, so they only poo and wee in a certain corner in the cage - potty training can take a week to a month depending how persistent you are. Once your rabbit is potty trained you'll be able to clean out the potty twice a week and the cage out thoroughly once a week. As long as your rabbit has plenty of exercise, food, love and attention you'll be fine.

To persuade your parents, add up how much everything for a rabbit would cost from the cage to the food supplies for one/two months and do research on this breed of rabbit is best for you. Mine is a dwarf lion lop - and even though she is a dwarf for 3 months old she is quite big. Then you need to research or ring you local vet to see which vaccination your rabbit will need and how much it will cost and think about if you are going to spay or neuter your rabbit < this is best to do as this will protect your rabbit from getting any infections and diseases.

Everything for me was $380 including,
- cage
- water bottle, 1 small (for her travel case for going to vets), 1 big ( for the cage)
- 1 large bag of straw
- 1 large bag of hay
- 1 large bag of sawdust
- Corner potty
- food bowl
- 1 large bag of food
- special litter (for the potty, DONT USE CAT LITTER)
- travel case (i've got a cat one so she has growing room)
- few toys
- a small wide tub to fit in her cage (covered in straw/hay which she knaws on)
- harness & lead (so we could take her out in the garden and up paths to file nails down - some people i know have special pens so they can run around the garden free put not so that you loose her)
- special nail clippers

Think that is everything. Hope this all helps. - i've added some websites which may help you

do you have to pay for a 6 month old to travel by plan or train?


We are planning a trip in Aug with a 6 month old...i need all the info I can possibly get!

If a child is under 2 and does not have his or her own seat, then you do not have to pay extra. that means that the child will have to sit on your lap the entire trip, so if it is a long trip, it could be uncomfortable.

If you want the child to have his or her own seat the airline will usually offer a discounted rate for the seat. The discount is usually between 15 and 50%. Since flights have been booked at over 90% for summer, this discount may not be available during summer.

Finally, if you are taking a long flight on a twin aisle plane, you can request a basinet. This is for children under 25 lbs. and needs to be requested when you reserve your tickets. The only seats that have this option are just behind the bulkheads that seperate different sections of the plane. The basinet is free and it is big enough to allow the child to move around and have some toys in there. My wife and I had a14 hour flight with our daughter and the basinet was great. She was bale to sleep and we did not have to hold her the entire time nor did we have to pay for a third ticket.

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