Wednesday, September 11, 2013

what are good travel toys for my 17 month old?

travel toys car on The Christian creed and the creeds of Christendom: seven ...
travel toys car image


We are going to the beach this summer its going to be a 6 hour drive. I Know we are going to have to make some stops to stretch and such but I need good car travel toys for my daughter to play with. So if any one has links to toy sites or names of toys that are good for traveling please send them.

When our son was around that age we purchased one of those kids trays that go over their lap that you can put paper and color on. We bought it at Toys R Us, for about $10. The large sized leggo's help, and so does a good ole DVD player with Baby Einstein movies (This is the only time I will put my little one in front of the TV. Get some kid CD's with songs like the Alphabet song, and all of the classic kid movies. Lastly, McDonalds is a GREAT place to get out. You can get a snack and your little one will get to see other kid's. Good Luck and drive safe!

how to calculate percentage difference between two accelerations of a toy car?

Q. I had to do an experiment whereby we calculated the acceleration of two toy cars, traveling down a slope. One on sandpaper surface and one on smooth surface. Now we are trying to calculate the percentage difference between the two. The acceleration rate on the sandpaper surface is 0.9152m/s/s and the rate for the smooth surface is 1.4194m/s/s. Can anyone help me?

% Diff = | (x1 - x2)/[ (x1 + x2)/2 ] | x 100

= | (1.4194 - 0.9152)/[ (1.4194 + 0.9152)/2 ] | x 100

= | (0.5042)/ [ (2.3346)/2 ] | x 100

= | (0.5042)/(1.1673) | x 100

= 43.19 %

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