Wednesday, November 27, 2013

how to carry the kids and luggage when changing the airplanes?

toddler travel airplane on Off to grandmas house? Make sure traveling with your little vegans ...
toddler travel airplane image


I am traveling internationally (18 hours trip, we change the plane twice) with my 2 kids. My older son is 2 years and 6 months and baby 5 months. I am thinking how I will carry the kids and luggage, in case I have to check the luggage when I change the plane.
Any info and advice will be helpful. Thank you.

Wow what a flight! 18hours with with two toddlers :) You are a brave women!

If you are with the same airline your bags will automatically be transferred. If not, then I think if you can contact the airline ahead of time you can probably arrange to get a stroller at your destination OR get your stroller on the plane so you can take it off once you reach your destination. I am sure it will be fine though, like something can be arranged for sure.
I wish you the best of luck with your flight and arrangements with your children and baggage :)
Happy flying!

Help on traveling with an infant and a toddler?

Mama to 2

I am traveling with my 2 daughters this summer. At time of travel they will be 1 month and 20 months. I am very nervous. I will have my husband's help, and my parents (on plane and at our destination). Any tips and advice?

Well hopefully the 1 month old will sleep most of the time - esp. with the airplane noise, should keep her asleep.

The 20 month old - get a portable DVD player and let her watch her fav. shows. The 20 month old will probably be harder to keep still, not sure how long your flight is. Snacks are always good. Make sure you let her run around a LOT in the airport before getting on board so she gets wiped out.

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