Thursday, November 28, 2013

What are some things to skip putting on a baby registry in your opinion?

travel toys for toddler boys on Airplane coloring page
travel toys for toddler boys image

Buddy boy

I am 20 weeks 2 days pregnant today and my hubby and I were going to go this weekend and just get the registry started. What are some things that you skipped putting on a registry or wish you skipped, or were just plain useless? Was there a product that was really great in your opinion? All lil more info is that I plan to try and breast feed and the baby is a lil boy :) Thanks everyone!!

In my opinion there are only a few things that are really useful. Most are just hype. And, I have found some things are better vintage/used.

Baby swing, I like the vintage one that you wind. NO batteries! Those stupid things drain batteries like crazy. Neither of my boys liked the moving rocker/bouncy things. #2 did like the rocker off.

Diaper bag. You will use this CONSTANTLY for years. It will become your purse wether you like it or not. My favorite it the jujube available online or at Nordstroms. Seriously, it takes a beating! And, it angion (anti microbial) washes and wipes off. Its insulated so it keep sippies and bottles warm or cool.

I love the diaper genie. Ours works fine. I did find it would get stinky after awhile so I bought diaper pail scents and never had a problem after that.

Both my boys loved their slings. It gave my arms a break and satisfied them when they wanted out of the stroller. AND makes breastfeeding in a public spot easier - takes place of boppy at home.

Boppy. Can be used with bottles or breastfeeding. Is awesome. Otherwise your arms would ache something fierce!

Play yard. Our broke down recently and I hate not having it. Its great for travel. Even if its just to a family`s place...doubly so if they don`t have a place for baby to sleep! Or at home for an extra bed. My neice used mine.

Lanolin, get the stuff in the purple bottle Lansolin! It promotes healing. And, some good nursing pads (gerber was my favorite). Lansolin makes nursing pads already treated but I felt gerber was softer and more comfy. Also, their breastfeeding baby wipes are AWESOME!!

Stroller - Love my Maclaren. I`ve sold all my stroller and only use this one! I have a volo and a twin rally. So easy to put up and down and light weight. We travel a lot so it makes sense. Plus, we ened up fighting over who got to push the maclaren and who got stuck pushing the graco.

Carseat. Love the graco carseats! I`ve heard Britax is the best, but have had great success with my Graco snugride and my toddler seat.

Bath stuff. Wish I had registered for this. My first came home with nothing. No Johnsons, no lotion, no towels, no washrags - lol. Luckily a girlfriend hooked me up before we left the hospital! I love the
ustela physiobaby...nice for newborns you don`t need to rinse or fully bathe. My second was a puker and this saved us. Plus its good for washing messy hands and faces. I kept a small bottle in my diaper bag. Toys R Us and Bath and body works carry them, here is a ceaper option I found:

I carry the above with some of her cloth wipes and use like wash clothes when out and don`t have access to soap and water. Like in the middle of Disney Land, Cedar Point, or just getting someone out of the car who found a hersheys kiss :)

I also carry a kit of bandaids, antiseptic wipes, hydrocortisone cream, stickers (to divert attention from boo boo), small lysol can, tide to go, bleach pen in a seperate little bag. Also, purell is in there!

Those little disposable powder scented diaper baggies are great. Especially when you are at someone`s house with a really rotten diaper.

Footed PJS! Love these, esp. cause winter is so long and harsh here.

Ear thermometer!! And, extra little cone covers!

The purple desatin is awesome. I cover up with baby powder and the rash is always gone by morning!! Would have loved that stuff in bulk. Some kids poop out their viruses...mine always did and it took a toll w/diaper rashes.


To me a play mat was useless. You can just lay a blanket down and give him some toys. It is nice for a few weeks before he rolls over and can look at the stuff on his back. My kids just never liked it for very long...and spent more time in my closet.

Toys - you will get plenty.

Blankets and clothes - this was the bulk of my shower and I registered for NO CLOThes or blankets!

Binkies - you never know what kind your babe will take. I had one like this safety first with a bulb on the end - could keep it in. The other a soothie. Just whatever the hospital has should work (they will give them a few to try after birth if you want). I did have a few bulb ones for the second (to keep better in his mouth) but he didn`t like them at all!

I never liked registering for diapers. I didn`t and even then people showed up with very generic diapers. Flimsy, harsh, and one box of disposable plastic type diapers. PLUS if you get too many wipes they will begin to dry out even if not opened. I`ve had that happed with Sams Club wipes and they were huggies brand. It just leaves lint on little bottoms.

Never used those nose bulb things. Just used saline drops for babies/kids in the pharmacy section. We may have just got lucky and didn`t have to!

Has anyone ever traveled on an airplane with a toddler?


I am going to visit my friend in VA, I live in Ohio, which is 10 hour drive or 1.5 hour flight. I really want to opt for the flight but what do you do with an ancy 19 month old for that long? And what if he cries and people get mad at me?

19 month old. I would suggest getting him his old chair. You can do alot of things.

1) talk to your Dr. about ears popping on left and landing.
2) snacks and drinks
3) dvd portable player
4) plan around nap time and or bed time

if you can pull that off. have an easy carry on and when its time to fly get there early get the little one to sleep. extra blanket and let him sleep/nap during the take off and most of the flight.

5) special new bag of toys

color books, crayolas, books that have flip opens, and waht ever your child loves!

6) a new baby doll or for boy a new what ever he likes

7) its not a long flight at all. Could be 12 hours or move if you were going to a diff. country. It will be over before you knwo it. Have the child look out the window. When seat belts are off let him stand up and strech his legs.

have fun..its ok if he cries a little. things will be ok. people will understand. just sooth him the best you can. Its a part of traveling.

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