Saturday, November 30, 2013

How to manage a baby in a flight?

best baby toys to travel with on Baby Bouncers - Top Baby Bouncers - Best Bouncy Seats for Baby
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My baby is 18 months old (naughty but not hyper) and I have a long eight hour flight. Any tips how I could cope? Thank you.

We took a trip with my daughter when she was 8 months old and she did great. We brought lots of great snacks and her favorite sippy cup. We brought some toys, but she mostly just threw those on the floor. We also brought a DVD player and she watched some baby einsteins. Since she was too little for headphones, we just played it on low volume. Nobody complained about that. She did laugh kind of loud a few times at the video, but was quiet otherwise. Better to have a little noise from the video on low volume, than from the baby crying. Our flight was 5.5 hrs and we filled the time by eating, drinking, playing with toys, watching videos, and some napping.

Also, if you are travelling with another adult, I would highly recommend having that person board the plane early to get all your gear set up. You should stay in the termnal and play with the baby and board the plane last. This allows her maximum time for running around in the airport to let out some steam, and reduces the time the baby has to sit on the plane itself. I really think this helped us.

How much money did you spend preparing for baby?

Between all the equipment and baby supplies how much did you end up spending getting everything ready for a new baby? Did you have a baby shower? Get lots of things as presents?

I did have a baby shower and got quite a few things for my daughter (Crib & mattress, baby bath, baby towels, clothes, walker, bouncy seat, books & toys, breast pump & bottles, diapers and wipes and probably a few other things I can't think of at the moment). But I also purchased quite a few things as well. I bargain shopped and got almost everything on clearance or on sale and with coupons so I spent much less than I could have. Before my daughter was born I bought a travel system, pack-n-play, crib bedding, stocked up on diapers and wipes (it turned out to be 8 months worth), clothes for the first 6 months, paint and a few other things to fix up her room and it was maybe around $500. That's nothing compared to what I would have paid if I paid full price for everything. The travel system and pack-n-play alone would have been $500 had I not shopped smart.

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