Monday, January 13, 2014

Help on traveling with an infant and a toddler?

toddler travel dvd on baby friendly if you re travelling with a baby we can provide travel ...
toddler travel dvd image

Mama to 2

I am traveling with my 2 daughters this summer. At time of travel they will be 1 month and 20 months. I am very nervous. I will have my husband's help, and my parents (on plane and at our destination). Any tips and advice?

Well hopefully the 1 month old will sleep most of the time - esp. with the airplane noise, should keep her asleep.

The 20 month old - get a portable DVD player and let her watch her fav. shows. The 20 month old will probably be harder to keep still, not sure how long your flight is. Snacks are always good. Make sure you let her run around a LOT in the airport before getting on board so she gets wiped out.

What are your best tips for traveling with a toddler?


We are going to Cedar point this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and to the Toledo Zoo on Monday. The drive down to CP is about 5 hours from home. We will have two toddlers at Cedar Point along with four adults and two teenagers.

When we travel with my brother (Hes 3) and its on long trips we always bring lots of back up plans. Here are some of the basics..

Coloring Books
Favorite Toys
Portable Dvd player
Children Cds
Snacks, Bottles, etc.

My brother hates long trips but as long as we keep him well entertained he normally doesnt give us a problem. The dvd player is always last resort, if everything else fails. Sometimes if we are lucky he'll take a nap and relief us of the annoying songs we have to listen to.. Thank god for Ipods ;)

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