Sunday, January 12, 2014

What is the cheapest way to visit England for someone who isn't comfortable with staying in a hostel?

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How do two adults and two teenagers travel to England, inexpensively, without staying in a hostel?

ok, well before you totally discount it, there are some which are very nice, and since you can stay in a family room, or pair of double rooms, in a castle, or beautiful manor house, give it another think... one of the castle hostels~

you could also email and negotiate prices with b&bs. ive knocked prices down by skipping breakfast, which means they can sleep in : ) its actually reduced the rate by a fair amount.

camping is super cheap, and you can buy kit here or bring your own over. public transport is good into cities, and variable in the countryside. i just stayed at a spectacular place in the countryside; new shower block, beautiful farm, 4 miles from the sea. £5 a night for utter bliss, and i was completely alone : ) the smaller places are cheaper, and quieter.

best of all, and utterly free ~home swopping. you let a family stay in your place, you stay in theirs. my parents did it a few times when we were small as it ment we'd have places ok for kids to stay in, with tons of toys and whatnot. we also had our cats, rabbits etc fed, though the dog went to kennels. we got their car for free, too, and they had ours. there are loads of sites doing it, all over the world.
obv, it means you can self cater.
there are loads, this is one run by a major news paper.
you pay a small fee to register, then pay only for flights! take a look and see what's on offer : )

How to bring a Budgie home from the pet store?

Q. I'm going to get my first Budgie and I'm a bit confused on how to bring it home from the pet store, like do I need to bring a travel cage? or do they give you a little box? And can you please give me tips and ideas on how to tame it? And how to take care of it. All will be appreciated, thank you ! :) OH and by the way, can you tell me how to tell if it's a boy or a girl? Okay thank you.

Yes, almost all pet shops will put a Parakeet in a small box for you to bring it home in. Make sure your cage is all set up and ready for it with toys, food, water, and newspaper for the bottom of the cage. Put the cage in a quiet place. You do want it somewhere that it can interact with you. Do make sure you get the wings clipped as it is much easier to finger tame a bird that cannot fly away when you try to reach for it. Don't try to pick it up for a few days, let it get used to its surroundings and it's new family first. Sit calmly by the cage and just talk to it at first. When you notice it is being calm with you, try putting your hand into the cage with a millet spray. You can also leave the door open when you are sitting next to the cage and when it comes out try putting your finger below its breast and a little above its feet and sort of push your finger gently against it saying, "step-up". It may or may not do it right away, but keep trying. Also, birds use their beaks like we use our hands, so it may reach out with its beak to steady itself when stepping up onto your hand. Don't yank your hand away. You may get bitten a few times, but it doesn't really hurt that bad.

The best thing to do and remember is to stay calm and quiet. Try not to scare it. Remember that it is new, a baby and very small compared to us.

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