Monday, January 13, 2014

How can I keep my toddler calm during during long car trips ?

travel toys for toddlers in the car on Classic Sport Car coloring page
travel toys for toddlers in the car image


We'll take our 2 year old on his first long car trip. We expect to be in the car for over 5 hours. Experience teaches us that he starts to get upset and annoyed within the hour. How can we keep him calm ?

we have an almost 4 year old now and we have gone on many car trips since my family lives all over the eastern u.s.

we have tried reading to him while we are in the car, a new toy to keep him occupied, stickers, magnets, coloring, music, and endless other things. we have not used a portable dvd player because we just do not like the idea of him being zoned out til we get to our destination.

the best choice for us has been for him to sleep the majority of the way, keeps mom and dad more sane. so we usually don't let him take a nap before we leave and then leave when it is dark so he will sleep. since you are only traveling 5 hours your best bet would prolly be to leave in the early, early morning. just take him as gently as possible from bed and put him in the car with his favorite blanket and let him sleep.

What is the longest distance you would travel by car with a 19 month old?

Mrs. Doe

We are not huge travelers. We drive to my dad's once or twice every few months and its a 3 hour drive one way, but we stay the night, so its broken up, time wise. My husband wants to go somewhere on vacation and he asked me how long our son could ride in the car without getting too fussy, and honestly I don't know, because 3 hours has been the max.
How far have you driven with your toddler, and how well did they do?

I am keeping an eye on this question. Our son will be 19 months this month, and we are planning a trip over Memorial day. 6-7 hours in the car. He has done it before, but he was only 9 months when we took the last trip.

i am planning on books, toys, children's cds, and snacks to keep him occupied. I am also hoping to travel when he usually takes his nap!

Edit: I looked on and saw this travel tray you can put on your child's lap that attaches around the carseat. I am thinking of buying one so I can put my son's snacks on it and then he can play with toys and books without them falling. it is only $20, and I think it might be worth it.

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