Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Any advices for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler?

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I am wondering if anyone could give me an advice for traveling on an international flight with a baby and a preschooler? I am planning a trip to visit my family in Thailand at the beginning of next year. My children will be 3 years old, and 4 months old. It is scaring to think about being alone with 2 little ones on a 20 hours flight from US to Thailand. Please let me know. I need an advance suggestions to prepare. Which airline is the best for traveling with the children?

bring some toys (noiseless ones would be very much appreciated by fellow flyers). Try to time your babies feeding so that it is happening during take off. Helps stop ears from popping and therefore no crying.

Bring books to read for them, snacks are good too. you may want to bring a comfy pillow for your toddler as the ones on the plane aren't comfy.

20 hour is an insanely long flight for them. wow! good luck. But just try to bring as many comforts of home and as many things to keep them amused as possible.

Good luck!

What to take to Cancun for a 3 and a half year old daughter?


I am travelling to Cancu with a 3 and a half year old daughter. Is there anything in particular that I should take with me for the trip? Should I take an umbrella stroller?

Yes, you may want to take an umbrella stroller because you will probably want to walk around the hotel zone at some point of your trip. Other than that one major thing I would consider is make sure she is caught up on all her shots/vaccines before traveling to Mexico.
Also, just sun screen, light clothing, toys for her to play with on the beach, sandals because the ground and sand can get hot.
Also, it would be a good idea if she still drinks milk to take dry milk from where you are coming from, because the milk in Cancún is different than what you would get elsewhere and she probably won't like it. Other than that just anything else she is used to such as a certain stuffed animal or things of that nature. Good luck and enjoy your time!

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