Friday, November 22, 2013

What are the ways that i can live my life to the fullest?

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toddler travel equipment image

dylan t.

only you can persuade yourself to get out there and "really live" life to the fullest. However, having said that here's some suggestions I have found in the little book of life someone gave me once.(I believe that was actually the title of the book.)
Watch a sunset with someone you love.
Be awake and marvel at a sunrise alone or with someone you love.
Take a walk in the rain some time.
Baby sit a small child- toddler or a bit older, (your own or a friend's) and marvel at their ability to find fun and happiness in a box/ with a ball/ chasing their shadow/ playing in water/chasing bubbles/chasing a balloon.
Try and take time out of your day to do something special for yourself: buy an ice cream. buy a mocha, sit in the park and throw breadcrumbs at the pigeons, buy a great new tie, or buy a rose for yourself and tell everyone it's your birthday....or you have an admirer and you don't know who.
Laugh a little every day. Whether it's a joke of the day on email, or you watch someone's comedy show.
Never forget your friends and your family. Call now and then to say "hello" or to say" I love you". They appreciate it even if they don't tell you so.
Never pass up a chance to travel. Places may be different, but people are basically the same. Get out there and see for yourself. Try and go to places that interest you. Trace your heritage. Join in a local tradition like running of the bulls in Spain, or any number of festivals throughout the year in North America and beyond.
Whatever you try, strive to do your best, and don't quit half way! In business and life, that's good advice, no matter who you are.
Enrich your life with the arts; Photography can be an art, Learn to dance, learn an instrument, see a live orchestra perform one time, or a jazz musician with The BLUES from deep within. Go out on a patriotic holiday and hear a live marching band/orchestra perform patriotic songs. Some of the Souza marches with gunfire sounds are amazing. Visit an art gallery and really look at the work these artists created. Some of the modern stuff is really amazing.
Never stop learning. Even if you only learn some new fact about something you'll never use again, keep your brain sharp by keeping new information coming in.
Allow yourself a sick day if you are actually ill. Working thru your illness may cause a backlash at work if you go and contaminate every piece of equipment with your germs!
Never give up on your DREAMS/WISHLIST. For example: If you have always wanted to see what it's like to drive a race car get online and find out the cost of a racing school for average people at the nearest track. they do exist and my father is still grinning about it a year later! Go bungee jumping, or see Australia, or build that model car/real hot rod!
Give your time as a volunteer, and/or give donations to real charities you believe in, whenever you can spare a few dollars. You may be amazed how full your heart will feel when you share your time and give back to people who have less than you. Write letters to soldiers away from home during regular days and holidays. visit Veterans who live in the hospital, most are very grateful...but ask at the front desk first who would be receptive to visitors, of course. Or send the hospital vets cards and letters too.
Share your life with someone. That's a sure way to living life. When you share, you give of yourself, and you allow another to give to you. Whether it be a mate, or a faithful pet, or a best friend.
Learn how to cook. We spend hundreds of hours over the course of a year eating & drinking. Why not learn to make special dishes for yourself and your loved ones? Save the money you'd waste going out and impress them by staying home instead! Become a wine afficionado, or at least know the variety that compliments your food the best.
If you had some type of organized faith taught to you as a child, maybe you should reconnect with it now. It might ease some of your stress. Help you create a new path for your future?
Good Luck & many Blessings to you! I hope you don't find my answers too "hippie wild". I was honest, because I thought that's what you wanted. However, these are mostly my observations and suggestions I've seen for a well-rounded life.

where can i get a cheap pet monkey?


i have done alot of research on them and i am really interested in one.can anyone tell me where to get a cheap one?and negative comments.thanks alot:D

In the toy department they have lots of plushies that are pretty cheap.

Really, that's all that's suitable to life in homes.

If you did research, you should know how to find a breeder.
If you did research, you should know that even people who have them don't recommend them as pets.

Volunteer at a wildlife center first.
You will learn so much about the issues of caging wildlife. Monkeys are very difficult to keep in captivity. Zoos have a hard time, so a family will find it very difficult.
They are not suited to life in houses.
Zoos spend thousands in special equipment to keep them contained. Special locks and doors because they learn how to open doors.
They have ugly sexual behavior they can't be trained out of.
They fling poo. Just because they can.
They hate living in cages. In this case, your whole house will be a cage.
Vet care will be difficult to find.
So will "baby sitters" if you want to go on vacation. Traveling with monkeys is difficult because they carry a lot of the same diseases people do and quarantine can be expensive and tiresome.
They bite hard enough to draw blood and take fingers. Not because they're angry, but because it's part of their communication.
They can be loud. Again, part of communication and they can't be trained out of it.
They are as smart as children and need as much time, attention, activity and stimulation as a preschooler. More even. Zoos spend thousands keeping their monkeys entertained and stimulated.
They live up to 40-60 years. Imagine having a toddler for that long.
Zoos and shelters don't take pet animals. If (heaven forbid) something happens to you, he will be euthanized because there will be nowhere for him to go.
Please consider carefully. Permits and all the paperwork you need is going to be expensive.

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