Monday, November 18, 2013

What shall I do if my baby cry on a plane?

velcro travel toys on Attach real
velcro travel toys image


I am planning to travel with my baby alone for about 45 minutes then stop over then travel again for another 9hrs...

Wow, good luck! I'm not sure how old your baby is, but I took my son on a 4 hour plane ride when he wa 6 weeks old, and we didn't have any problems!!! So its definitely possible!

First, while you are taking off, make sure baby is sucking on something, breast, bottle, pacifier...this will help to keep their ears from popping.

Also, someone had suggested to me to take a few new toys and stick some velcro to them and attach them to the edges of a blanket, that way it is new to baby, and easy to keep track of!

Most importantly, don't stress, as I'm sure you know, baby can sense how you're feeling! I would imagine the majority of people on your flight have had little kids, and they will sympathize with you if baby starts to fuss! So don't worry, and just enjoy the time with baby!

Try not to carry on too much, its hard to lug the baby and 800 things around an airport and on a crowded plane!

Good luck!

Are blue heelers good with frequent travel?


I am looking at getting a dog but i travel alot i have a 36 foot toy hauler and a fourdoor ford truck that i pull it with i hike and bike everyday and am home for most of the day would a blueheeler be a good option if not what dog breed would be good for my lifestyle?

At first thought, it seems like a good idea. Heelers are quite Velcro to their owners and want to go EVERYWHERE with them.

However, is everywhere appropriate for this breed? They are an extremely territorial breed, and you could have an ugly incident if someone was to approach your vehicle with you not there.
They are also creatures of structure and habit. They don't like change, it makes them uneasy, and an uneasy heeler can be dangerous. Intense socialization would be needed to get a dog used to that kind of constant change.

The hiking is a good idea, as heelers are great hiking companions. One would be incredibly bored with the biking though, and a bored heeler can also be dangerous.

So, weighing the pros and cons, a heeler would really not be a good fit. What you describe matches a Lab perfectly.

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