Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whats the cheapest way to get from Seattle to Odessa, Ukraine?

toddler travel bed options on baby friendly if you re travelling with a baby we can provide travel ...
toddler travel bed options image


Train/plane are my options. One adult, three teens (16,16 and 13), a nine year old and a toddler( 2 1/2). Ten points for specifics on destinations and cost. Example: Seattle to New York train $? We will not travel til June

Unfortunately, that's the most expensive time of year to travel. I have travelled on both United/Lufthansa (Star Alliance) and Northwest/KLM to Kyiv for about the same price, but the service on Northwest/KLM is not good. Others have also found United/Lufthansa to have both the best prices and the best service. My daughters flew to Kyiv at Christmas of 07 and had a terrible experience on Delta/Alitalia. The cost for that time of year might be about $1000/person (but it varies). From Kyiv to Odessa you ride the train and can buy tickets right at the train station in Kyiv. Train travel in Ukraine is very inexpensive, I don't know the exact cost, but tickets weren't more than $50 round trip going anywhere as I recall from 2008. The cost also depends on whether you travel in a seat, in a 6-person open bay, in a 4-person compartment, or in a 2-person compartment. The open bays are a crap shoot on whether there are men drinking heavily all night in the car and on how old the car is. If you don't speak Ukrainian and want some privacy, it's better to book two 4-bed compartments (yes, buy two extra beds). If the kids have never been to Eastern Europe before, the train toilets in the open-bay cars are, well, "not clean and comfortable", to say the least. The more you pay for the train, the better the train toilets are. For boys, it's OK, but if you're travelling with teenage girls.... The trip from Kyiv to Odessa is at least a half dozen hours, so don't think you can "just hold it" for that long. Luggage space is at a premium on all these trains. It's better to have your travel agent get your tickets if you don't speak either Ukrainian or Russian.

If you were too choose between a cat and a bird, what would you get?


Two VERY different options. Birds have the maintenance of a toddler. They need to be bathed, entertained, played with, fed nutritious snacks, educated, and disciplined. They live for many years, and are a lifelong commitment. They have to be cared for 24/7 and will live for up to 15 to 60 years, depending on the breed. They area extreemly costly. Can be thousands of dollars to purchase, and hundreds of dollars to pay for yearly, with toys, food, bedding, and damaged (birds love to chew apart carpet, furniture, and clothing) Cats on the other hand, are independent, and take little to no time to care for, because you only need to clean their litter box and feed them. They can be free to adopt, if you find a rescue shelter. Both animals are sweet and very rewarding. But cats are the best option for most people who have lives. Your average cat lady can go out and party. Your bird lady like me, cannot vacation, travel, or leave the house for extended periods of time.

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