Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What is the best form of travel long distances for toddlers ages 2-5?

toddler travel potty seat on BLUES CLUES Portable Folding Travel Potty Training Seat Brand NEW In
toddler travel potty seat image


If it's a long distance you definitely want a plane to shorten the time. The following have helped me out:

1) Pack a new toy or 2 per child. The novelty will keep them busy.
2) Pack snacks & drinks. The worst nightmare imaginable is to be stuck in a plane/delayed at an airport w/o them.
3) DVD player with adapter. We were stuck at Logan in Boston last summer. EVERYONE was delayed bcz of storms. I dug it out, plugged it in and turned it on. My son suddenly had 15 new friends & all parents got a break.
4) everybody wears sandals/slip ons.
5) suckers for take off!
6) final potty break before boarding.
7) get there early. with kids in tow everything takes longer. you can also avoid security lines this way. Pick seats in front of the door to the plane so you can board first!
8) try to book flights around nap times. works like a charm with mine when he was younger.
9)if that is not possible, book the early flight. you will again avoid long security lines and the chance of delay is much less.
10) smile at all the staff when you board the plane & greet them by name! banking goodwill immediately is a good idea because these people can be your allies or your enemy.
11) only fly airlines that allow families to board early. Southwest for example has 'festival seating'. That is a madhouse!

Good Luck!

What are good activites for a 2 and 4 year old for a first plane trip?


Try to plan naptime on the airplane (after take off). Make sure they pop their ears (with a sucking sensation...sippy cup, lollipop, or the 4 year old can chew gum) otherwise if their ears hurt you can be in for a very long trip.

Take advantage of the walking in the airport. Get them tired by letting them walk instead of putting them in a stroller. Arrive to the airport 3 hrs early instead of 2 hrs early.

Buy some fruit and muffins in the airport in case they get hungry on the plane. If you have one, bring a DVD player (portable DVD player, laptop, IPad, whatever it is you might have) because if they won't sleep a good movie is the 2nd best option. Bring a carry on for each because they are allowed one at their age. Pack each of them with a bag of toys...whatever they are into. Play doh, coloring books and crayons, stickers, a comfortable pillow and blanket. With my toddler we used to quietly sing songs (ABC's, nursury rythmes, etc) and read books together. New picture books are always fun.

We have traveled many times with my daughter since she was an infant. I really think getting all of their energy out before the flight is the best idea so they aren't so restless on the plane. Make sure you time the bathroom breaks and diaper changes as good as possible. A couple of times we were stuck on the plane for extended periods of time and that wasn't any fun, since we weren't allowed to leave our seats. In those instances we did have pullups and extra diapers with us under the seat (thankfully). And as my daughter became potty trained she also became deathly afraid of the airline bathroom (something else we didn't consider).

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