Friday, November 15, 2013

Will the world likely be the same in 100 years in terms of technology and day to day life?

baby toys for air travel on picture is shown is library pictures and shown for illustration ...
baby toys for air travel image


I don't see anything we can invent any further except some more space travel, not enough to be taking summer vacations to Mars. Only real change in day to day life and technology I can see is better treatment for diseases like Cancer and AIDS and maybe faster air travel.
What do others think, what will the world be like 100 years from now in terms of day to day life and technology?

5 years ago, tablets didn't exist. They've grown so fast they've put a sizable dent in PC sales. I predict before the end of the decade, tablets will have taken over the traditional PC desktop and laptop in the home setting.

10 years ago, smart phones didn't exist, and even simple flip phones were still pretty expensive. Now there are more cellphones in use in the US than there are people in the US. Cellphone penetration emerging markets like India is approaching 100% - and when you consider many of these are also smart phones, that also means internet access is growing by leaps and bounds as well.

20 years ago, the world wide web was pretty much a toy used by college students. The sum total of information represented on webpages was measured in gigabytes. Now we have millions of web pages being created each year. In fact, it's estimated the sum total of human knowledge represented on the internet has doubled every few years since the world wide web went, well, world wide.

This is just 3 examples from within the same industry.

20 years really isn't that long.

100 years from now:
* Computer controlled, driverless cars will be the norm.
* We'll have a permanent colony on the Moon.
* We'll be mining asteroids.
* We'll be using nanomachines to fight illness and repair damage in our bodies.
* We'll be able to grow new body parts from the donor's own cells - no more rejection.
* Air travel now utilizes low-Earth orbit rockets. This means you could reach anywhere on the planet within a few hours.
* Space elevator? This is a biggie. If we could build one of these, the cost of going into space will quickly approach $0. Getting stuff to and from orbit will become trivial.
* Just as the 20th century saw Polio and Smallpox virtually eradicated, the 21st century saw AIDS, cancer, and diabetes eradicated.
* Table computing? How quaint. We'll have computer screens implanted in our retinas and massively networked computers that are "grown" inside our brains and controlled by our thoughts.
* We'll be living longer and we'll be a lot more active. 90 will be the new 60. So many people who are just babies now, will still be alive 100 years later.

I need tips for air travel with a 6 month old?

Mom of 1

This is my first child and my first time flying with him. I don't know anything about flying with a baby.

Make sure your baby bag has bottles with babies formula. Make sure you have cold packs to put with bottles so they stay cold. Take the bottles out to get warm at least 20 mins or more before feeding. Make sure you have diapers and wipes, rash ointment and all the baby things you will need. Maybe a toy or two. I took my baby about that age in a back pack baby carrier. You put it over your shoulders and it carries baby for you. I had mine on the front. Then baby can sit in that throughout the flight and sleep in it too.
Good luck

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