Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Travelling out of the country with a toddler?

toddler travel vomiting on ... on Fair Description Of Nausea And Vomiting In Pregnancy Because It
toddler travel vomiting image

Jessica C

My sister in law has travelled to Venzuela for the holidays with her 1 year old daughter. She's been there for a week and the whole week the baby has been vomiting and having very watery diarhea. She is barely eating and she sais she's been weak. The first couple of days there, the baby had her formula made with boiled tapped water. Then was switched to bottled water. She has not improved and they will be taking her to see a doctor today. Has anyone experienced this with their child? Any ideas what can be causing this?

It more than likely is something that came from the water. I haven't personally had this happen but I've seen it in patients at our office. The best thing to do is take her to a doctor to be assessed to determine if it is e coli or some form of bacteria. Until she is seen make sure that she is getting plenty of electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Or, it could just be a flu/virus and it is a coincidence that she got it right after the trip. Either way though, she will be in my prayers and tell your sister in law I hope she feels better!

What have your kids done that you thought would never happen?


In my 4.5 years of parenting, I have never had a floater in the bathub until NOW!

My 19 month old pooped in the tub....haha

LOL, when my oldest was about that age she was bathing with her dad and pooped in the tub. The way he was yelling you would have thought it was acid nearing his leg. He was standing holding her in the air and yelling his head off. I ran in and just stood there laughing for a couple minutes at his fear of a little poop before I took her from him.

As for my own kids I never thought I would see my toddler eat a bug (yuck) and I would have never believed that vomit can literally travel a couple feet before hitting something.

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