Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Any tips on travelling with a toddler on long flights?

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I have a long journey planned on my next vacation with my 1.5 year old. A fourteen hour flight followed by layover and then a 6-7 hour. We did not opt for an exclusive seat for him either. Any tips?

Here are a couple of tips from our own experience:

1. most importantly: call the airline and try to get a bassinette, and at least one seat next to it(that's the crib that attaches to the wall in front of the bulk head seats). the bassinette itself will probably be too small for your child to actually sleep in, but will hold all the extra stuff that comes along with a toddler. moreover, the extra leg room will give your toddler more space to play that is NOT your lap or the aisle...
note: bulk head seats are usually booked first because there's more leg room there, but parents with infants on-lap (younger than 2 years) have priority to these seats on most airlines. if you can't book the seat in advance, don't dispair - you can still get it upon check in: come in early and insist on it!
2. try to keep the child's routine as close to normal as possible. keep meal times and nap times as close as you can to your "home time". bring small packs of favorite foods and snacks with you, as plane food is not likely to top your kids list... you can heat up baby food by putting the container in a small cup filled with a half-inch to an inch of boiling water and stirring the contents. "Gerber" containers fit perfectly, or you could use the small, round, 4-oz disposable plastic containers (like "Glad" or such) which also fit in the coffee cups provided on airplanes.
3. of course, if your child has a favorite toy, stuffed animal, blankie etc., have it with you on board.
4. get a bunch of new, real-cheap little toys that you wouldn't mind losing / throwing away by the end of the trip. introduce a new one every hour or so -- it'll buy you precious time! i'd put under this category also some little arts & crafts items, like stickers and crayons.
5. have at least two full changes of baby clothes and lots of extra diapers with you, as well as a small "baby-bath travel kit", just in case your layover gets extended, your suitecases go astray, and so on... i'd also take an extra shirt for mom and dad, for any unfortunate accidents.
6. on the plane, don't be shy - let baby run up and down the isles. fighting it won't help anyway, and the excersize is good for you both ;-) plus, the more energy they spend, the more likely they are to fall asleep at some point...
7. talk to your pediatritian about baby-safe antihistamines - a small dosage may be all the help baby needs to get drowsy and sleep better when they're already over-tired, but the strange environment won't let them fall asleep...
8. take a deep breath, and remind yourself that, as hard as this one day may be, it's only one day of travel, and it, too, shall pass!

good luck! :)

How can i reverse my fear of demons and evil spirits? Going to astral travel.?


i believe in god, and i know hes protecting me from them. But im going to a spiritual journey of astral travelling. And i fear meeting these creatures in my subconcious. I know god will protect me but i still dont want to meet these.

Much like any holy man, his faith in any of his duties, especially the extreme such as exorcism, etc. is the strength of and trust in his faith, that has become instinctive, fear is primitive, holy men do not escape that either, it's been a fight since time immemorial, should that battle not be handled by and with deeply rooted religious faith and knowledge in the fact he would put his life on the line for it, then the battle was lost before it began.
The very worst thing any can do, and any holy man will tell you, is to show weakness/doubt/hesitation in your beliefs, to show sympathy in any form or manner to that which is evil/bad.
A spiritualist needn't be religious, but they still hold strong beliefs, that don't falter, that they treat and believe in to the core of their being as holy men do with theirs.
If you are afraid, i suggest you stop and don't go any further with this, "fear" is an opening, fear has a scent, fear dulls the strength and light within yourself, but emphasizes it in the eye of evil, diminishes the protection, a crack in the glass, so to speak.
You folks really have to understand something, just because it's true than anyone can learn these types of things, doesn't mean they can handle it, doesn't mean you were meant to toy with it, much like spirit contact, why in h*ll name do you think this is a game, what is your purpose for doing this?? It has a purpose always has.
So let me put it plainly, a man is born with all the god given talents, more so than most, he educates, develops the experience/ trains to be a top class world surgeon.
Another man hasn't the god given talent, no natural abilities but he too wants that kind of life, the money, to help, to be that incredibly special.
Do you see him getting there, do you see him helping as much as the surgeon "born with the knack", do you see him being world renowned ??
We were not all born to be, here you have your subconscious telling you "not" to continue because of what you don't have to a depth that need be and you ignore it, ask the lousy surgeon how to change that, you can't, cause it wasn't meant to be.
It's like toying with spirits, humans are so ignorant as to believe this was all waiting for them to "PLAY" with when they got bored, when they wanted fame. If one is any belief what so ever in the next life, they would know there is a purpose, reason and rhyme to this.
None of it is or was created for humans who were bored.
Yup, that's mankind all over again, "me, me, me,". You go right ahead and keep playing my friend, but know just like your little childhood games, there has to be a looser and we can't win every time, the more you play the higher the risk of loosing.
Also, ppl who were meant to were doing it unconsciously as little kids, for yrs before they knew what they were doing, so there's where one's natural abilities came from...a subconscious knowledge.

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