Friday, January 31, 2014

What all does a new mom need?

ardie bond

When you become a first time mommy what all do you need to buy?

think of all the things you need :bedding,clothes,food,entertainment,
comfort,travel,bathroom and socialisation,then it will be easier to make a list

Food-bottles,bottle steriliser,milk powder (if not breast feeding), breast pump (if you are breast feeding the breast pump will give you a break when its the partners turn to feed the baby)
Entertainment-toys,music (for bedtime-naptime)
Comfort-soothers,bouncy chair, Hugs and Kisses
Travel-pushchair,car seat,mummy bag (to carry bottles,nappies,baby wipes,spare clothes)
Bathroom-baby bath,bubble bath,baby lotion,baby powder,nappies,towels,bath toys,baby wipes

Also make sure you take naps when there napping, you will need as much sleep as you can get and if anyone offers to take baby for a walk, accept you will need some me time..

Hope my list helps xD

Looking for London based store named Mothers Care?


OK i think the store you are asking about is called Mothercare its a store that specializes in everything you need for new babies and young children selling everything from
maternity fashion
maternity basics
car seats & travel
nursery furniture
cots & cribs
clothing & shoes
bath & changing
child safety
first bedrooms
toys & books

there are many stores in the uk not just in london but if you go to this website it will give you all the details you may need to know including addresses and telephone number of the stores, its

hopes this is of help to you

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