Tuesday, January 28, 2014

For those who have traveled with infants internationally from the US...?

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I have been doing some research on which airlines are more infant friendly. I am trying to find the best one to fly to Saudi Arabia from the US. Any opinions on which airlines I should take? My daughter is 9 months old, and more than likely, we will be flying first class.
I would also prefer to have a cot for her and/or have her be a 'lap' passenger.

Emirates is hands down the best ever airline for children. I have flown on it myself with both my 4 year old daughter and my 2 year old son. They are great with children. They do provide cots as well and even if you don't have a window seat, you are not bored out of your mind. They provide a backpack full of toys for the children, infant toys, hand puppets, and books that you get to keep and take home. They also provide milk and a lot of snacks. Oh, and diapers! Can you believe they even provide diapers??? I was shocked at that one. They also have an interactive entertainment system that has both a huge collection for the seniors of old movies, the newest movies that are still in our theaters, and popular children's movies and cartoons. They have a huge variety of that. You can also view what the pilot sees from the forward camera and the downward camera, which is pretty intense when you are taking off and landing. They provide a footrest which comes in handy if the child is in your lap. They provide a lot of pillows. They also have a theme going for the newest cartoon movie out. When my husband and I went, Cars was the really big thing so they had a "star" ceiling and two sets of lights running along the craft that changed every so often from red and orange to blue and purple and all of these other colors. If you watch Cars and look at the scene where lightning mcqueen is travelling in the back of his truck, Mac, you will see the same thing.

I love this airline and will fly with them whenever we go international. They go to Saudi Arabia and I know you will love them. One bit of advice that my child's pediatrician gave me, though. Give your child a dose of Benadryl or Triaminic night time to help them relax during the flight. My kid's pediatrician said it is completely safe.

Going on a 2 day trip for the first time with my baby?


What to pack for a 2 day trip for my baby. 7 months old and not too sure what to pack and I want to make sure I have everything I need.

i went on a 3 day trip to visit relatives with my 5month old daughter, me and my boyfriend had a very small suitcase between the two of the us and the rest of the car (and i mean all of the car) was full with the baby's stuff - i took everything she would need at home, changes of clothes, her toys, her bouncy chair, travel cot, changing mat, bathing stuff, tons of nappies, you name it we took it....

what helped me was a couple of days before we went as i was going through our daily routine i was writing a list of everything i used as we went along and then on the day when i was packing i crossed things off as we went. obviously there are certain things that really can't be packed until you are ready to go.

good luck and enjoy your trip


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