Thursday, January 30, 2014

Traveling with a 2 year old?


My hubby, 2 to daughter, and I currently live in Hawaii but moving to VA in December. We will be traveling for a total of 12 hours (and at night). I know my daughter (Marley) won't sleep and she will become restless sitting in a seat so long. How can I make this travel easy for her (and everyone else on the plane!)?

Well it depends. If you are worried she will be bored, then bring her books, some unsweetened candy to suckc on during liftoff (so her ears dont pop) bring some toys and some earphones so she can wartch the movie if its a goodone. or, you could bring her along a portable dvd player to keep her occupied duringthe flight and read to her and justkeep her busy by talking to her lots and letting her draw pictures, etc...

If youre worried that shell be scared and hate it and scream her head off, then you should bring some baby benedryl or baby gravol. it wont harm her and it will just make her tired so she will fall asleep and wake up when you get there, making the expereince a lot more relaxed and less scary for her.

PS.. i know i will prob get a lot of thumbs down for that but its not like i believe in druggin up your baby, its just that there are certain times when giving them medicine to help them fall asleep is ok. one is a terrifying experience like flying where they are going to freak out and the other is if they are sick and cannot sleep due to pain or coughing or uncomfortableness. every sick kid needs sleep. you know your child. you know better than us if shes going to be scared by flying or not. good luck tho.

Tips on traveling with a 2 year old?


We will be going down to Florida in a month with our two year old daughter, it is going to be 6 adults and her in two vehicles. It is going to be a 14 hour drive. I need any suggestions on keeping her happy all that time. We have a DVD player and some new toys. Thanks for your help.

Okay so first, you always need some sugarless lollypops or chocolate. When I was young, my mom did that to me and I was happy the whole way through.

Next you need to have a nice carseat that has a cushion, or you can add one to it. Make sure whatever your 2 year uses to fall asleep with, bring it and make sure she can have access to it all times.

Then you should always have a container of Cheerios, or come sort of yummy crunchy snacks she has. But make sure it's hard, and crunchy, because it's better for her teeth, and it can stay fresh longer.

More......! So you should have some movies and music she likes. NEVER put on heavy metal or loud music, because it can ruin the child's ears. (Hoping I'm not being weird right now!)

Also make sure the child has toys (like you have) at all times. The child would need to play with them, and stuff like that!

Yeah! So hope I helped!!!!!!

:) :D <3

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