Thursday, February 6, 2014

Are there any toddler travel systems?

Jasper's M

My 6 month old is about to out grow his infant car seat and I'm not sure what we're going to do. We live in Singapore w no car and take taxis a lot so the infant seat snapping into the stroller is really convenient for us. I'm quite sad that he is outgrowing his infant car seat already! :( Anyway, I've found these two solutions:
this one costs something ridiculous like $900 though :/
and this...
which I think we are going to get unless there are any other options out there that anyone knows of... any one?

there is this, its more for airport use, but you could still use it for what you want to.

this is actually so you can carry the carseat on your back like a backpack:

this is bulky but its worth looking at

Best Car seat out there for a big boy?


I am trying to find the best car seat for my 20 month old son, who has always been in the 100% for his age. Price don't really matter, I just need the best car seat for him. He is currently at 31 pounds, and most car seats go for up to 40, so that don't work with me. I want something bigger that can be used for a longer time. I don't have much time for a research, but the little I did, Britax Boulevard is the only that grabs my attention. Does anyone experienced that being a worthy purchase ? Or any other suggestions! And do you think it will fit right in a Honda Accord '04? Please help! Thank You

hi ok first let me say im really NOT saying your childs over weight but this is where i found a list for carseats with higher weight limits 65-105 pounds with the harness so i hope you dont take offense...
good luck and happy carseat hunting!!!

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