Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Travel tips for 8 hour flight with my 1-year-old?

Q. He's 13 months old, very hands-on and clingy. Any tips for how to get through the flight, or what kind of light toys I can carry or games we could play?

We've already had one disastrous flight and that was only 2.5 hours!

chances are his ears hurt because of the cabin pressure...this can be very uncomfortable for the little guy. he'll be miserable for the whole flight...i wouldn't take the trip

Traveling by air with 8 mos. old?


I am looking for any travel tips anyone may have. My son and I are traveling in about 2 weeks by plane. I already called the airline about formula since thats what he drinks..... So i know about that. Does anyone have any tips for making this travel "smooth". I was lucky to get window seats since he loves to look out the window. We have a 1 hour layover so he can play during that time and feed/diaper change. What other things should i bring/do? My son is VERY impatient like his father...(FYI)
yes i am worried about "that baby" but i think he will be ok. He loves to talk and talk. Hopefully he will sleep the whole way to make things easier! Thanks so far for the tips

I've been flying internationally and domestically with my children since they were 2 months (now 8&5 and baby number 3 was born 23 December). At least three trips a year are the children and I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. In addition to that, we do another 8-10 international and domestic flights a year as a family. I have never had any problems with my children on any of the flights. Here are a few tips and suggestions:

1.) Bring Snacks! just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. New regulations also allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz (100ml), -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you also as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)

As long as your children are with you, you are able to take as much formula, breast milk, or regular milk that you will need for you child for the duration of the time you will spend in the airport and on the flight (as long as it is within reason).And no, you will NOT have to taste it - no matter what form you bring it in.

All that you must do is:

1. Separate the milk from the liquids, gels, and aerosols in your quart-size (1 liter) zip-top bag.
2. Declare you have the items to one of the Security Officers at the security checkpoint.
3. Present these items for additional inspection once reaching the X-ray. These items are subject to additional screening

Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the Flight Attendants will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

2.) Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your child, such as a few books, toys, a portable DVD player (be sure to bring extra batteries) or let him use your laptop (make sure it's fully charged) with a few movies, and one or two comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal. I always bring a small pillow and blanket from home for my children (even now) because I know 100% that they are clean, and my children are accustomed to them.

My children like to bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), and scrap paper that they can make their own drawings with and play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, and my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, and stickers that they can color. It definitely keeps them entertained!

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, and tell stories to your children as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where your son ha a part in it so he stays interested.

You might also consider going to the store and buying a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without him seeing so that he has an extra surprise.

3.) Not all children have a problem with the pressure changes in their ears. If yours does however you'll want to know how to help. For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:

*Give him something to drink (formula, water, juice - it doesn't matter)
*Give him a pacifier to suck on
*Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears
*Gently but with some pressure, rub his neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.

You can also try using a decongestant. It is always best to check with your doctor before using any type of medications though, to make sure you are using the one best suited to your childs needs. I personally have found pain relief medications don't really help, and at least in my experience, decongestants are a waste of money.

4.) Keep your diaper bag well stocked with plenty of diapers, wipes, ointments and other essential things. Just remember the new law regulating liquids, gels, and such and pack accordingly. http://www.tsa.gov/311/index.shtm You can usually find travel size baby products in stores and they are wonderful for plane use. One thing I always like to carry with me is hand sanitizer! I always wipe the trays down with that (followed by a baby wipe) and use it for my kids after taking them to the bathroom (even though they wash their hands). I know that airplane bathrooms are not the cleanest, so that is why I try to be vigilant.

Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your son. You will need this in case he gets sick, spills something on himself, or in case your luggage gets lost.

Bring any medications that you might need for your child should he get sick or that he takes regularly. Remember that if they are not prescription medications, the 3oz (100ml) rule applies to them and they must be kept in a clear plastic bag. http://www.tsa.gov/311/index.shtm

Do NOT give your child medicine with the hopes of it making him sleep. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well. I have also seen where it backfires; a parent gives their child a dose of Benedryl to make them sleep, but instead it gets the child more hyper and the parents get absolutely no rest on the flight (and neither does anyone else).

Try to change your sons diaper as close to boarding as possible. This will help to make your child feel fresh and more comfortable for take-off (which could also mean less problems).

5.) Don't worry about what the other passengers are going to think or say should your son cry. This will only add stress, which your son can pick up on, and it could make him cry longer and harder. Instead, just relax, and handle the situation like you would if you were at home. Most times the other passengers are very understanding anyways and some will even try to help you. Which reminds me, if help is offered to you, TAKE it!

I don't want to take up too much more space. lol. I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives airport security rules and regulations for the US, EU, and UK, plus offers tips and tricks for the travel, etc. http://www.angelfire.com/jamiehassen79/flying_children.html

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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