Friday, February 7, 2014

I'd like to travel with my 2 daugters( 2 &5) so do you have an assissant to help me during the flight?

Mikalo R

you will have assistant with many airlines, the flight attendants are very helpful and friendly.i also found that many passengers also help, they are so bored and will do anything to pass the time.
i am also including a few points that came to mind with regards to helping you on the flight

i prefer to book myself on an overnight flight as apposed to a day flight.To avoid accentuating tiredness, try and fly at reasonable day time hours, so that their daily schedule isnât disrupted too much. Though tests show that young children are least affected by jet lag in a comparison study to adults.
i have always booked my kids , kids meals, its no only more delicious for them, they also get it way before the normal meals, so i can help feed them and they dont wait long to eat.Bring plenty of snacks for children, in case they do not like the in-flight meals.
A window seat is great for kids because it provides a wall for them to doze against and also affords great views of take-off and landing. The earlier you book your tickets, the more choice you will have in making special seat requests. Requesting a bulkhead non-emergency-exit row, along the sides of the plane (with a window and an aisle seat), provides you and your toddler more floor space (if you don't mind your child unrestrained and playing on the floor). This worked really well for me on several flights.
In most cases, on international flights and sometimes domestic too, families with young children will be permitted to board first. But, it's never a sure thing. On that British Airways London to Delhi flight a few years back, not only couldn't we take our strollers to the plane's door, the gatekeepers didn't permit families to board early, citing there being too many children on the flight. Bah humbug.t won't be pretty, but consider yourself a pack mule when preparing for a long flight with young children. And remember, your needs don't matter (well, except when/if the kids nod off and the wine trolley rolls your way).Allow plenty of time to do everything, allocate sufficient time to navigate the airport with children.

Bring the obvious basics -- change of clothes, diapers, favorite blanket or stuffed toys, snacks in case they don't like what's being served and lots of wipes. I always like to give my boys snacks (granola bars, crackers etc) or a drink while the plane is taking off and landing to keep them swallowing and keep painful ear pressure at bay. Touch wood, after easily more than 25 flights with them so far, they've never suffered from pressure-related ear problems on planes.

Consider bringing a bottle of Benadryl, or the equivalent, if you don't mind "helping" baby sleep on those long flights. I used the stuff (just one regular dose at the beginning of the flight) until my boys were about two, and it seemed to work (though who knows, maybe they would have slept anyway). Just remember, for most children Benadryl makes them drowsy, but for a few, it makes them wired. Definitely experiment at home first.

New (and cheap) toys like books, matchbox cars and little plastic animals, keep kids entertained and excited to be opening a "present." Lots of stickers are also a good idea (they're not loud and can't hurt anyone!) Crayons and paper always entertain. And books, it's amazing how long my kids can sit still if read too.

Portable DVD players are another idea. Though so far I've self righteously held back from getting one of these (I'm sure my resolve will wear thin any minute now), many parents swear by these to keep kids 2+ happily zoned out on long flights. In lieu of bringing your own, more and more planes, including those of Singapore Airlines, British Airways and Quantas, for example, have personal video screens attached to each seat. Often there's a cartoon channel(s), which may or may not be appropriate for children under about age 10.

hope u have a good flight!!!

What do you think of my story and poem?


The Life-Exchanger Machine
One day Penny was swimming in the river when she saw a life-exchanger machine in the river. It looked like a calculator, but it has no numbers, it has letters, a screen, and a go button. She was surprised when she saw it. She suddenly went home and did not tell anyone about it. She typed in the machine the word dog. Penny did turn into a dog, her favourite animal. Penny experienced eating dog food. âThis is deliciousâ Penny said. Penny experienced working with police officers, training by dog owners, and being given commands like sit, stay, or fetch. âI never thought being a dog could be this fun and excitingâ Penny said. âI want to experience being another animal nowâ penny said. She typed the word cat and she became a cat. All Penny did was to sleep and eat all day, when she crosses the street, she was almost hit by cars and she ate some rats. âBeing a cat is boring, all I did was to sleep and eat all day, I was almost hit by cars and rats have an unpleasant and awful tasteâ Penny said. âI guess I wanted to be a boy nowâ Penny thought. âShe typed boy and she became a boy. Penny experienced playing with cars, robots, video games, and airplanes. âPlaying with cars, airplanes and robots is very interestingâ Penny said.âI wanted to be an actress nowâ Penny said. She became an actress and was seen in magazines, movies and commercials. âThe great things about being an actress is that Iâm very rich and popular, and many people admire me but the downside to it is that having obsessed fans, false rumors, and lack of privacy and it gives me a lot of stress when I rehearse for a movie especially when the director is not satisfied with my performanceâ Penny said. She experienced having false rumors about her, having many obsessed fans following her. âHaving false rumors about me is very annoying and the fans especially when they are addicted to meâ Penny said. âI want to be an old woman nowâ Penny thought. She became an old woman and she experienced being forgetful, wearing eyeglasses, being weak, and riding in a wheelchair. âBeing old is very difficult because Iâm starting to get sickly and weak, and I have more proximity to deathâ Penny thought. Penny also experienced being a baby and she wore diapers, she cried and she crawled on the floor. âBeing a baby is fun because all you did was to play with toys and you donât have to go to schoolâ Penny said. Penny experienced being a pig. She ate a lot of food and kept escaping from the butchers. âBeing a pig is great because the food is free and plentiful but I always have to run from the butcherâ Penny said. She experienced being a pigeon. She was flying around the town and would return to her owner at night. âBeing a pigeon is wonderful, you can fly high to see the view of the city and I can be free and travel around the skies at daytimeâ Penny said. Penny experienced being a goat. She ate some grasses and the farmers collected her milk. âBeing a goat is awful because all I did was to eat grass which tasted terrible and itâs boring to stay in the farm all dayâ Penny said. She experienced being a fish. She lived in an aquarium and she was always swimming. âLiving in an aquarium is wonderful, the corals and the shells here are attractive and I enjoy swimming but it gets boring if I stay here for such a long timeâ Penny said. She experienced being a snake. She crawls on the ground and many people and animals fear her. âI donât like being a snake, crawling is dirty and I donât want everyone to avoid me and dread meâ Penny said. She experienced being a horse. âBeing a horse is tiring, because I feel very exhausted whenever I give people a rideâ she said. She experienced being a rabbit. She hopped, played with children and ate carrots. âBeing a rabbit is wonderful, people think Iâm adorable and cute so they always cuddle and play with me but carrots and vegetables are always awfulâ Penny said. She continued to switch lives with other people and animals and still kept it to herself.

Four Seasons

Pure white snow
Pours down from the heavens
Freezing winds and temperatures
Everyone puts on a sweater
Ice skating and hockey are common sports
Christmas is just around the corner
Building a snowman or a bonfire
Winter has began

A yellow butterfly
Sits on a Flower
Flowers bloom
Orchids and Roses are abundant
Birds sing a lovely tune
And fly in search of a mate
Spring has began

Children enjoy their vacation
A sunny day at the beach
Popsicles and ice cream are popular snacks
People swim or ride on boats
Sunbathing and Surfing are other activities
Summer has began

Trees go bald
Leaves wither and change color
Brown, Orange, Yellow, and Red Leaves
Are Scattered in the streets and gardens
Picturesque scenery in the forest
Autumn has began

I loved them both. I wasn't sure if the Penny story ended, I guess it did. I wonder if it would have ended with Penny enjoying her experiences, but loving being herself most of all. I like how you put the good and bad things about the different animals or people, the good and the bad made it more interesting. Very nice poem.

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