Saturday, February 8, 2014

Does anyone have advice on traveling with a one year old?

Marla C

If you think you may need it, take it! I've traveled with all 3 of my boys, and the best thing for me was to "over pack", especially the diaper bag! You never know what you are going to need, or how much. If it's something you can get at a store, like diapers or wipes, make sure you have enough for at least the trip to your destination. Always pack bottled water for your baby to drink, and have milk/formula properly stored. If you are taking a plane, you may only need 2 or 3 bottles/cups of milk, since you can purchase milk at the airport. But, if your baby requires formula, you should have more than enough ready for your little one.
Whether it's a road trip or a plane, you should have some toys for the baby to play with, and be prepared for the baby to cry due to discomfort. Also, dry cereal can be a babies best friend when they get hungry in the middle of nowhere! Cheerios, Golden Grahams, and plain old Graham crackers will make just about any hungry baby happy.
If you are of the road, you need to stop often, even if it's only for a few minutes for all of you to stretch. You probably don't need to have a great deal of milk with you in the car, maybe 3 or 4 bottles, since you can buy it at any convenience store. But be sure to place any milk you do have in a cooler.
Most importantly, DO NOT FREAK OUT! It's overwhelming traveling with a baby, but the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed they will be. Use your commomn sense, and listen to your instincts. You know what your baby needs, and most people will help you if you need it. I've lent out many a bottle to mommies in need, and have been helped by others myself. Heck, when I travel alone by plane I carry 2 bottles of water, 2 baby bottles, and enough formula for both...just in case! You will be fine, and your baby will have a wonderful trip.

Best car toys for long trip for almost 2 year old boy?


We are driving 21+ hours in the car over 3 days one way and then back again about 2 weeks later.
My son will be 2 in early April. He likes cars, trains, blocks and anything that will keep his interest. My van does have a movie player, but I don't want that to be on all the time. Also snacks here and there will help pass the time.

So far I will be bringing some favorite books, some 'new' ones from the thrift store, a few new matchbox cars, and a cheap $1 electric racing game because he loves pushing buttons. Any other ideas? His sister (4 1/2) will have coloring books and a few crayons, books, 1 barbie, letter workbooks and maybe a color wonder or something. I really want what they do to be clean and easy to pick up. Any extra ideas for her? Oooh, maybe a yarn sewing thing or something...

You can make your own sewing cards. Get a long pretty shoelace that still has its plastic tip or get some yarn and put glue or tape on the end to make a tip. Punch holes in old greeting cards or glue magazine pictures to cardboard and punch holes in that. If you draw, you can draw your own pictures and let the kids color them before "sewing" them.

Something like a kids' abacus is fun for young ones to play with. They like lining things up and moving them around. Many stores sell things like that.

If you can get a smallish "beads on wires" toy, your son might enjoy it very much. Basically, the toy is self-contained and the child moves colorful beads around on oddly-shaped wires. Even though it is beads, boys like playing with those.

Magnetic doodle boards (Magna-Doodle is the name brand, but smaller ones are often sold in dollar stores) are also good for trips.

Ooops, I almost forgot my parents' best trick for traveling with kids. We generally got a hot dinner at a restaurant, but always did a picnic lunch at a park. The parents relaxed while the kids ran around.

Be sure to save at least one toy as "new" for the ride home.

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