Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Traveling with a toddler?


So in about two months I will be flying with my 18 month old from Massachusetts to Texas. The flight is a little over three hours. My toddler is very wriggly and hasn't even been in a car for longer than two hours (in which she got fussy towards the end). Im traveling by myself with her and I'm just a little nervous that she's gonna freak out on the plane. I have pretty bad anxiety and claustrophobia so the thought of being inclosed on a plane with my screaming child all by myself sounds incredibly overwhelming. anyone flown with their toddler and have any good tips? Did your toddlers cry?

Traveling with a toddler can be stressful but in my experience it goes better than you might think. Try and make sure your toddler has a nap before the flight if possible. During the flight, make sure you change things up so your toddler doesn't get bored. Play for 20 minutes, then walk him down the aisle to the bathroom and back. Have a snack. Then go for another short walk. My toddler could stand in front of the chairs so she doesn't have to sit all the time - as long as the seatbelt sign isn't on.

Here are some items to bring on the plane: stickers, small toys that aren't choking hazards, notepad and crayons, lots and lots of NEW snacks that you can bring out one at a time, your iPhone or Ipad if you have one, or other electronic device. You can also use the plane TV if your plane has individual screens. Just alternate things and if he cries, walk her up and down the plane. To help with ear pain, bring chewy snacks to help pop the ears.

It is tough but they are all strangers that you'll never see again. Do your best and you'll be ok.

Help with toddler and traveling?

Amber j

My daughter and I are going to be staying with family for a few weeks or months, and we will most likely be taking a charter bus there. I live in fort wood Missouri., and they live near Austin Texas. The trip would be 17 hours. My daughter is 18 months old, I know I will not be able to hold her the entire trip, are there any tips any one could give to make this trip easier and safer for her? Please don't just say" don't go" I would fly but don't have enough money.

I would pack up as many new toys as you can. Just dollar store ones. Candy and chocolate come in handy in real tantrum emergencies. Toddlers need to run and move. I would talk to the driver too, he might have some ides he got from other parents, like racing to the bathroom or something. He will also help for safety, and comfort issues. Planes are very understanding of babies, and im sure buses shouldnt be any different. Good Luck!

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