Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Suggestions on handling toddler jet lag and things that I can do before the trip to make it easier?


I will be traveling with my 18 month old son to a destination which will have a 13 hour time difference. does anyone have suggestions on how to make the time change an easier process and how to cope with the jet lag?

I have found that the day of traveling throws the child off so much that they are very easy to 'reset' once you get to the new time zone. basically, he will be so exhausted from traveling that he'll go to bed whenever you put him down (or at least, once he finally falls asleep, he will sleep well), so naturally after a day or so he will be on the new schedule. Honestly, there isn't a lot more you can do. I know how frustrating it is!!!

help with my 17 month old toddler with serious jet-lag!?


It's been 9 days since I arrived at a time zone 10 hours ahead of my local time, traveling eastward. my toddler's sleep schedule is insane and 9 days later it's even worse. here's roughly what it looks like, brace yourselves:
wake up: 6:30 PM
nap: 11:00PM - 12 AM
2nd nap: 4 AM-6 AM
bed time: 10/11 ish.... AM!!!

No, those am pm's are not mixed up typos, it is the terrible truth. I tried waking him up earlier like 4PM, but that just makes him nap longer and bed time later. I tried once to omit his naps, and he slept at 5 AM and i thought that was bed time, but then he woke up 2 hours later and kept playing till 11 AM, then slept till 7 PM.
he is a very hyper baby and even trying taking him to bed when he is not yet sleepy is out of the question
p.s. FYI we co-sleep.... ((cry!!)
Im completely out of my wits and out of ideas and starting to get really down with this problem; any help from experience is appreciated... you can only imagine how much i miss daylight... i feel like my DS and I are zombies :/
Thanks in advance!

Man...thats crazy!! I would try when he wakes up at 6am...leave the house, go do something, keep him awake as LONG as you can....try something that will take ALL day.
OR When he gets up at 6am then goes down for his "bed time" around 10/11, dont treat it like a bed time, treat it like a nap time, wake him back up around 130/2pm. Then get him out of the house to do something that will take all day and keep him up. Bring him home around 8pm, give him a bath, he'll be EXHAUSTED...hopefully sleep right through the night and wake up refreshed in the AM like he's supposed to!! Just try keeping him up and busy during the daylight hours. Your his mom, dont let him sleep that long when its light out..take him outside to do stuff. that way when dark comes, he's tired!

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