Thursday, January 23, 2014

Any helpful advice traveling on an airplane overseas with a one year old?

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I am traveling by airline overseas 11 hours with my one year old son. Any helpful advice in keeping him entertained, or any tips. Anyone who has done this please share your experience.

I found that taking a selection of small toys, new to him, wrapped in colourful paper and given to him one at a time when he got grizzly, was good. Also, lots of little books to read, paper and coloured pencils for him to scribble with. Nothing entertains for long at this age and eventually we went for walks up and down the aisles. We sang songs (quietly) and for some of the time he slept. Be as inventive as you can and don't expect it to be too easy.
Having said that, it'll probably be easier than you think.
Have fun!

Any tips on travelling alone with 7 month old on long haul flight?


I am going to Asia for Christmas and have a 14 hour flight London-Singapore. My baby will be 7months by then. Any tips and suggestions on how to make this 'easy' will be much appreciated! Am concerned on how I will feed him on board & how will I get to eat/sleep since I'll be on my own!

make sure to bring plenty for him/her to do... plenty of books, and quiet toys... also, bring plenty of snacks, and any items that offer you baby comfort... such as a blanket or a binky... and when he/she starts to cry, just give him/her the comfort item... good luck with that.. its not very fun flying alone with a baby..

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