Friday, January 24, 2014

What toys are a must for a toddler on a plane?

toddler toys for plane travel on Stock vector of 'Illustration of cute Snake'
toddler toys for plane travel image


If you flew with a toddler ( 18 months ), what kept your little one occupied for a while? We have a long overseas flight ahead of us.I expect he won't sit for 8 hours, but I would like to find out what are some best little toys to pack. Thank you so much for the tips!

Portable DVD player.
Colouring books but be prepared to have to keep crouching down on to the floor to pick up the crayons.
Etch-a-sketch is handy.
Little story books and her favourite teddy.
A good idea is to wrap up little toys in gift-wrap and put them in a bag and every half hour or so let her choose one.
Bring plenty of drinks and snacks.
His little ears might hurt so make sure you have a bottle or soother or something similar for him to suck on when taking off and landing.
It can be a nightmare travelling with babies so just ignore anyone who tut tuts about his making noise. It seems like a long flight but you'll get there in the end! Good luck.

What are the ways to entertain a 1 yr old on a 24 hr flight journey?

Mom 007

It will be a three 8 hr trips with breaks at the airport, how can I keep my one year old son entertained? He will sleep for only 10 hrs, the rest is play time,

Any other advise on travel planning and inflight food is also welcome...

take a portabal dvd player so he can watch cartoons or a movie, pack a few of his small toys like cars, blocks stuff he can play with, colouring in will keep him entertained and also a couple of books to read to him if he gets restless dont try to keep him quiet walk up and down the aisle with him show him out the window. At take off and landing give him a drink as this will equalize his ears and stop them from getting sore. Make up bags of finger foods for him like sandwiches, rice cakes, biscuits etc this is the easiest thing for a toddler on a plane. Also remember to pack spare clothes and nappies. I would invest in one of the trunkies, the suitcases for children, for all of ur sons things u can take it on the flight with u and it saves u cramming it all into a bag i have one for my daughter and its great and perfect for trips for her toys.

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