Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I need a list of the most important things that I need to ask for at my baby shower.?

travel bed toys r us on Toys-R-Us-Travel-Cot-Mattress-RRP-39-99-Only-used-once-hence-selling ...
travel bed toys r us image


And how much should each product cost? I heard somewhere that you should do a $50 limit. But, the baby shower IS 2 weeks before my due date, so should I be a bit more high priced with my gifts???
I.E. asking for cribs, bassinets, learning toys...

I would put everything you need on the registry. Even if some items are more expensive, sometimes people like to get together and buy the more expensive gift as a group. I will warn you, however, that a lot of people will just ignore your registry, especially if you register for a lot of practical things. I registered for bed linens, baby monitor, lots of really practical items, and lots of people gave me fluffy baby blankets (which are pretty much useless) and intricate little outfits (I prefer one-piece baby clothes, so much easier!) People would rather buy things that are cute instead of practical.

You can find a sample registry with all of the "bells and whistles" at Babies R Us. I edited the list for you. Two stars (**) means very useful and one star (*) means useful. No stars means purely optional.

**Car Seat
Car Seat Base for 2nd Car (optional)
Car Seat Head Support (if not included with seat)
*Auto Mirror
*Stroller (I suggest the Snap and Go; Don't buy a travel system, they are too heavy and big)
*Portable Crib or Playard (Graco Pack-and-Play with full-size bassinet)
Playard Sheets
**Moby Wrap
Maybe an Ergo Carrier or other carrier for an older baby, optional)
**Gym or Playmat (I suggest Tiny Love brand)
**Bouncer Seat
*Stationary Entertainer (eg Exersaucer)
Do not get a walker! They are dangerous.
**Baby Monitor
Safety Gate (if needed)
Corner Guards & Tot Locks (wonât need until 5+ months)
Brush and Comb
**First Aid Kit
**Nail Scissors
**Gas Relief Drops
**Baby Tylenol
**Bulb Syringe (they might give you one in the hospital)
**Diaper Bag (really any kind of bag will do)
**Diaper Pail and Refills (choose one like diaper champ that uses regular kitchen trash bags)
**Rash Ointment
Wipes Warmer (I donât use this personally)
**Diapers (3 newborn pkgs. & 1 size one â I use Seventh Generation)
Baby Wipes (I use cotton pads instead, with warm water from a thermos; even sensitive wipes give my baby a rash)
**Baby Clothes
Homecoming Outfit
**Footed Sleepers
*2 Sleepsacks (Halo brand; donât get the Carterâs brand they are too hot)
I avoid the Gowns, my baby kicks them up
**Absorbent Bibs
Booties or Socks
Snowsuit or Bunting and Warm Hat (for winter babies)
**Receiving Blankets
Bassinet (or use the pack-and-play)
Mattress Pad
Avoid the Crib Bedding Set; you canât use loose bedding in a crib
**Fitted Sheets, Cotton and/or Flannel (Ultimate Crib Sheet is nice)
Breathable baby bumper (Donât get a fluffy one!)
*Dresser/Armoire (Can use a changing pad with a dresser instead of a changing table)
*Changing Table
**Changing Pad & Covers
*Glider and Ottoman or Rocker (this is more necessary than you might think!)
**Hamper (you will be doing a lot of laundry!!)
* Planet brand detergent is nice, or use another natural product
Nursery Storage
Window Treatments
Nursery Accessories (wall hangings, shelves, etc.)
*Toys for 0-12 Months
Stuffed Animals (keep out of the crib!)
Crib Mirror
Crib Toys (the rainforest soother is good)
Car Seat & Stroller Toys
**Breast Pump (medela pump in style is great)
**My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow (not the boppy!)
*Breast Pads, Shields & Cream
Bibs, Burp Cloths and Lap Pads (I use regular hand towels, taget has sets for $2)
*Bottles and Nipples (born free or another BPA free brand)
Bottle Sterilizer (i dont use one)
**Planet brand dish soap for washing baby stuff
High Chair (donât need until 6 months)
Feeding Sets(donât need until 6 months)
Infant Spoons(donât need until 6 months)
*Bath Tub (make sure it has a soft infant sling; better yet, get a bath seat
Bath Toys
*Washcloths & Hooded Towels
*Gentle Shampoo or Body Wash (I use California Baby)
Baby Lotion (California Baby)
Bath Accessories
Pregnancy & Childbirth Books (I suggest "Great Expectations")
Breastfeeding & Parenting Books
Colorful Board Books for Baby (eg Goodnight Moon; Sandra Boynton books)
Classical or Lullaby music (they sell these CDs call Rock-a-By Baby that are lullaby versions of popular music)
*Camera (digital, video, or film)
Baby Book or Journal
*Snap 'N Go Stroller Frame
Stroller Blanket Bag (for cold weather, if your carseat doesnât have one)
Stroller Rain Shield
Portable Feeding Seat (optional, I donât have one)

Did I buy my son's love?


We're 21. She( my wife of 2 years had our son at 18) I'm at summer class at ND( I go there and she didn't want to live in married housing because she wanted to be close to family) and they came up for a visit( from IL) and left Sunday( in a bad mood). He's 3 and they came up to ND for the weekend. It was a long walk from the parking area to my dorm and he said "hi" to about everyone he walked past. Some people stopped and talked to him he would say " I'm visiting my daddy" and yank on my shorts. We didn't really do much on Friday other than watch him run around and try to get him to sit still during a James Bond movie( the new one on dvd and even though it was PG-13, it was ok because he had no idea what was going on in the movie).
He had a Mountain Dew and was bouncing off the walls and climbing up his mother earning him the nickname "Monkey". He refused to go to bed and my wife blamed me and asked me to get him some water to help him sleep( i had no idea it worked). I come back to the room and my wife is on the bed, my son( shirtless with Spiderman pajama bottoms) is on my roommate's lap on the couch with 5 girls around him. I told them " Sorry ladies, it's past Hef's bed time" He hugged them all on the way out .
Saturday was spent watching sports center and playing on the floor. Other guys in the dorm literally stood in the hall way and watched us play with him.
Saturday night she went out with some friends from high school for a little "girl time". She put him to bed and left. I did a little work and he still wasn't asleep. I thought it'd be fun to take him for some late night( What he considered late night) Dairy Queen and bonding. He told me he could finish a large( only made it 1/3 of the way and I figured I'd eat what he didn't finish.) I took him to Toys R Us and bought him 1 toy, pretty cheap, but he loved it.
She wasn't happy with me when she got home and was wide awake from a sugar rush and playing with his toy. She asked him if he thought ice cream was nutritious for a growing boy. He just put his head down and she confiscated it. I told her " It's just ice cream, calm down". She started talking about how " he needs to learn nutrition and rules, like bed time is bed time. She lectured me for " spoiling him". He begged her to not take his toy. He tried puppy dog eyes and kissing but she told him that it was bed time and he could play with it all day tomorrow. Sunday, he was refusing to eat an apple for part of his breakfast and eventually she just put him in time out. Then they left, but not before he went into every dorm room on the floor to tell them "bye" and insisted we stop by the girls dorm to say goodbye to his 5 new friends. My wife's last words were " thanks a lot, now he'll get bratty. I am told constantly how about how cute he is. How do I deal with this

Your son should grow up social and not shy. Your wife has to know that your son has feelings and he is excited about seeing his father since he is away from you for many days. It is normal emotions that you have to explain to your wife that if you punish him for being happy he will learn to be shy and people will take advantage of him. Just like if she gets after you for being with your son you will learn not to like her.
Tell her your son belongs to both of you and she sounds to want total control on the child. She almost sounds to me a woman that has come from divorce parents. Most of these people need to control the situation because they are confuse why people like one parent or the child and not them. Or why the child is getting more attention it is like jealousy. No, I do not think you bought your kid. He is yours you just gave him something he likes without making him feel guilty like his mom. The ice cream is not a bad habit or the toy but what I see is that she may be punishing his emotional growth for you not buying her something considering she traveled there to be with you. How in the world will your son know what nutrition means at his young age those are big words. The problem is your wife may continue this pattern if someone does not explain to her that maybe the way she was raised was too strict. Your his dad too. You did nothing wrong and you did not buy him. You can't buy a kids happiness he was just happy to see you sincerely.

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