Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Air traveling with a toddler! Help?


We are going on a trip soon with our 18 month toddler. It is a 7-8 hour plane ride. Is there anything we can do it make this trip easier, and any tips for entertaining her? She is very active, and is always on the move, how can we get her to sit in a seat for that long?
Any advice would be great!!

I took my daughter on a 3 hour plane ride at that age. 10 days later, we were all sick (she really had a bad sickness, fever and bronchitis and ear infection...) so keep that in mind.

What I did was to first make sure she had her own seat. It helped because she was used to having to sit in her car seat for a long period of time, so she just chilled.

If you can, make the appointment for your plane to fly late at night or early in the morning or during naptime. It helps if they'll fall asleep.

We put ourselves in the very back of the plane. This gave us the ability to go slow getting out without holding people up, better access to the bathrooms, and at one point the flight crew even let her run around in the back area and play a bit. :) The very last row doesn't recline though, so it wasn't as comfy for us. If I did it again, I'd choose the row right before.

Pay the money for the inflight movie, or bring a DVD player or something. Put on cartoons. I know that normally we don't allow a child to watch too much TV, but... this is a time when it helps.

Bring a binky/pacifier if possible. I know by now your 18 month old is probably past that, but the take off messes with their ears and can give infections. Getting them to suck on a binky or bottle or something like that will help with that, and save you a nightmare later.

Bring snacks, juice, interesting toys, books, whatever you can think of. Baby juice in those little containers aren't counted towards your liquid allowance on board, so take advantage of that. Also, bring your own cup. They didn't even have a normal sized straw she could use. Ugh.

Bring your own little speaker or headset for her. All they give you on flight are ear-buds, and I had to put that behind her seat and turn it all the way up so she could hear but also not mess with them. If I had to do it again, I'd get something more appropriate for that.

It was very helpful to have a harness/leash for her when we were waiting in the lobby. She ran around losing energy, and exploring and having a great time, while I watched so many kids having to just sit in their carseat/stroller or read books. Let them run it off there.

Be very ready to apologize to the guy in front of you. Your child will at some point kick the chair. There's no way avoiding it that I found. :/ But, again, by picking the seats way in the back, you tend to avoid most of the people who would get angry at you.

Traveling with a toddler?


My son is 2 1/2 years old. He still sleeps in a crib, but is small for a portable crib. We would like to take him to the beach this summer. But what should I do about the sleeping? I know he could sleep in my bed, but I would like him to sleep in his own. Are there any good traveling beds for toddlers? Any suggestion?

You can get toddler air beds with attached sleeping bag. They are usually about £30ish, and come with different designs that I'm sure your son would love (cars, toy story ect..)
I advise you get an electronic pump though, as blowing them up by mouth can be a bloody nightmare!

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