Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting insurance for an at risk toddler going abroad? Traveling to UK?


I have a 21 month old toddler with muscular dystrophy. He is stable, as far as his problem goes, but major illness (bad respritiry illnesses) can pose big problems, and hospital stays. I'm planning a short term move to the UK for 5-6 months, and I need some advice on how to safely take him. Currently, he is covered through a special program run by California, for especially needy kids. (I don't think they cover overseas though.)
FYI, I do have info on "right to abode".. My Mother is a UK citizen as are her parents. So I don't think I'd be on the "first flight back" if I mentioned moving there to immigration. And I don't need work while there.. That's not my issue. I need to know about insuring my child over there. There has to be some sort of insurance for toddlers (disabled or not).

I would say 'travel insurance' which covers people of all ages, but the big problem is that it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions which is obviously the case here.

tells you that you are almost certainly liable for charges; but I can't find anywhere that states what those charges are. Your family citizenship makes no difference, you and your child are foreigners. I think you can visit for up to six months on a tourist visa.

all I can suggest is start with a travel insurance company and go from there.

good luck.

11 hour plan trip with a toddler...?


Next month we are traveling with our two girls overseas. My 3 year old is VERY active. what are some good activities that I can use to keep her in her seat?

She just turned three recently.

With my two very active kids (ages 3 and 22 months) I travel with a backpack full of activities. A portable DVD player and selection of movies is a must, but won't keep her entertained for 11 hours. Crayola Color Wonder products (markers, paints, etc) are good because they don't make a mess. They are a little expensive, but worth it when travelling. Stickers always keep my daughter entertained for a long time. I also usually bring Play-Doh, some books, a baby-doll, a few Matchbox cars, and a toy cell phone. Play make-up and a mirror is a hit with my daughter when we travel (it is the only time she is allowed to play with 'make-up'). Also, I let her 'do' my hair. I bring a brush, comb, and a bunch of funny hair clips. This can entertain her for a long time, but you have to be willing to deal with funny looks from other passengers. Have a good trip!

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