Saturday, February 15, 2014

traveling with kids?


we're going to be camping in Colorado for a family vacation with my husbands siblings/dad/etc...there will be a 14 month old and my baby who is 3 months...what are some ideas for activities?

14 mo old - We bought a child carrier backpack for my first son and that sures makes nature oriented stuff easier. My son loved the pack, and so if we went on a hike he just road along in the pack, the sites alone will keep them entertained for the most part.

At 3 months you can get a front carrier, and tote that one along.

Wherever you camp, scout out the area very well before you let the 14 mo old wander around, make sure there are not any dangerous critters or bushes or whatnot. Have a big tent so they can also just use the tent as a playarea.

Buy a few new toys (don't go overboard) and give them a new toy when you first get there, when they bore of that one, give them another new toy.... depends on the attention span of your child how long this will or if it will work at all. (my 16 mo old this would never work, his attention span is like 3 minutes.)

How old before traveling?

Keke Sanch

My mom wants to see my son, but she doesn't have enough money to come to Florida from Dominican Republic. He is almost three years old, and I don't know if he could handle being in an airplane yet, what should I do?

I have traveled on a airplane with a year old and a two year old. Kids love the airplane. They are very advanced now and as long as you a prepared with toys and find a good seat on the plane you should be ok. Most kids sleep most of the way. and you can watch tv or movies too and look out the window, JUST DO IT *wink* *wink*

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