Thursday, February 13, 2014

Toddler travel toys? ?


Compact travel toys, suitable for a train journey to keep a 14 month old quietly occupied?

So far I can only find aquadoodle!

The "Haba Dragonstone Castle" is a nice toy; you can set up all sorts of scenarios and stories to play out. The dragon rattles, but very quietly. It comes in a little plastic zippered case, easy to take along.

Travel w/ infant? any advices?


Im planning to travel w my daughter when shes 4 months old but I was wondering would it be easier to travel when shes 8 months old? I just heard that the older they get is harder because they cant sit in one place while the younger they are they just sleep and eat..
Just want to hear some experiences from parents that travelled w their infants before. Thank you..
BTW its a 13 hr flight..

4 month is more easier because all they do is eat and sleep. I travelled w my son at 4 months and it was a breeze. I also travelled w him when he was 9 months and he couldnt sit still but it was still manageable.
Make sure to bring finger food, milk/juice and some toys for them to play with. Also it is better to travel at night so they sleep. It doesnt matter how old they are. They always sleep at night unless they dont have a good sleepping pattern.. Goodluck

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