Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Traveling on plane with toddler, what to pack?

New Mommy!

In a couple of months we'll be going to Florida with our 3.5 year old. Last time we flew on a plane with him he was 3 weeks old and slept the entire flight. I got a connecting flight just to give him a chance to get off the plane and walk around for a couple of hours.

My question is what should I pack for him? I've read a lot of articles of people suggesting we pack books and his favorite toys. Others suggest we pack very little because everything will get thrown under the seats or lost. I have an iPad in which he has a folder of educational apps which he likes and is entertained. I will download more educational apps before we leave and that he has not seen. I think I might download a few movies just in case, but am concerned if they will play on the plane. Also less carry on baggage.

Any other suggestions? Our nephew has a nintendo dsi and my son is absorbed in the Mario game, but I think that might be pushing it with so many electronics for such a little guy.


I took my daughter on a plane last summer when she was 3 1/2 and we packed very little.

The iPad sounds like a great idea, I packed a Nintendo DS, but that's just what we had, if he has a few games that he loves and a new movie (or an old favorite) that should keep him occupied for several hours. Just don't forget to bring headphones!
I would also bring some gum and/or hard candies to help him pop his ears and bring a small water bottle (bring it empty and fill it once you get past security). I would also bring handi-wipes and a favorite blankie or snuggle toy.

Keep in mind, also, that airports don't usually have child friendly food or drinks. Because you are traveling with a toddler you can bring extra liquids as long as they are in sealed containers. I brought a few juice boxes and a few single serve boxes of shelf stable milk (I used Horizon, but I think there are other brands as well) as well as an empty sippy cup and a few sturdy snacks (fruit snacks, granola bars and Wasa crackers).

Question about a gift for an orphan?


Hi u guys ok so for our after schoo club we have to give a gift to an orphan nd i got an 8year old >male< and i dont know what to buy i was thinking a remote control car .. so if u have any 8year old brother or know someone around that age what would u suggest the price limit is $ 20-25 thanks :)

If you get a battery operated toy throw in an extra pack of batteries.

Forget educational and just go for pure fun. Also, this toy must travel as this kid is in the system and may go from group home to home or same with foster care, from home to home.

Remote toys, actions figures, transformer bots, lego set, walkie talkies, matchbox car set (of 20), velcro dart board.


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