Monday, February 10, 2014

Traveling with children?


In a little bit my family is going on an airplane to visit some other family. We have a connecting flight. There are many of us. We will be going to school on a Thursday and when we all get home, we are going to drive to a hotel 2 hours to a hotel, stay there for a night, and get up early the next morning and go to the airport.

We need tips on;
1. What to Pack
2. When to Pack
3. How to Pack last minute stuff when we come home from school
4. Driving down to the hotel
5. Staying at the hotel
6. Eating dinner
7. Getting up early
8. Getting to the airport
9. Eating breakfast
10. Getting through security
11. Getting on and off planes and to connecting flight
12. Seating everyone in what way on the plane
13. What to have everyone do on the plane

P.S. I am not a parent. I'm one of the teens.

Even if you don't know about everything, just please answer what you can.

I don't know how old the children you are talking about are, but after looking at your other questions, I'm guessing they are fairly ranging, from 1 on up to 17 or 20, depending on which question I look at. So, here are some guidelines for young to older children.
1. Pack a lot of extras; extra underwear, extra socks, extra shoes, extra pants. If things are in the wash, it can be difficult to get ready to go on only a few different pairs of pants or underwear. Also, if kids have accidents, you will want at least 2 pairs of underwear a day, if not 3. Pack something for each child in their carry-on that has value to them, like a bit of a blanket, a favorite book, toy or doll. It will ease anxieties and may make the trip easier. Pack a carry-on for each child that has quiet toys without small pieces, a game or music device, a disposable camera, maybe some money, 2 or 3 books and a water bottle. Also include the outfit for Friday morning and PJ's, so bags don't have to be unpacked. Look at the first link for TSA information, if you are in the US.
2. Start packing at least a week ahead of time. Make a list for each child and systematically check off each thing. If you have pets, make sure they are taken care of, as well, either for the kennel or the plane. Wash anything that needs to be washed and have no laundry going when you are packing, as ther will definitely be 'Where are Adam's favorite pants, the only ones he will wear?' "In the wash" "Oh, I'll get them later." Adam's pants are inevitably left at home, and he screams for them when you get there.
3. Get a toiletry bag for each child that can be put in their carry-on. Pack in it tissues, hair things, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Also include any medications such as pills, inhalers or EpiPens. The morning you leave before going to school, brush your teeth and then put in any thing you will need into the toiletry bag. Line them up with names on them. After school, take the bags, put them in the correct carry-on containters, and do one more check to make sure everything that is needed has gone.
4. For the trip to the hotel, try to keep it like a day after school. Give the children a snack, and invest in 2 or 3 portable DVD players. Put in a few movies, and enforce 'quiet time' for about an hour as they watch movies, read, play silent handheld video games or listen to music. After about an hour, tell them that they can talk, play games together, take a nap, whatever they want, as long as it doesn't get too loud.
5. The kids will be through the roof with excitement. Keep all of the kids in the car while check-in happens, except 1 or 2 of the oldest kids to assist in check-in if needed. Have each kid carry his own carry-on and bag, if appropriate. Tell them that they need to be silent until they reach the rooms. Gather the bags, and make groups of 4 each, with 1 adult or teen and 3 younger children. Keep your group quiet. Carry any bags that need to be carried and put 2 groups in the elevator at a time, if needed. So 8 people to an elevator. Get the kids up to the room, and let them go. They'll be loud, rambunctious and excited. Let them.
6. I would recommend getting fast food or something for dinner, as the kids will be used to it and it can be eaten in the room. I'm assuming that you have a large family, and it can be exceedingly difficult to get 10 kids fed without making waiters wanting to kill them. Let them have whatever they want, but once they have told the person that is taking the car and ordering, they can't change it. Don't get soda, get juice or water, as they won't be as hyper.
7. Put them to bed early, and they will naturally wake up earlier. Again, take your separate groups and get them dressed, teeth brushed, hair done and pack the PJ's and Thursday's clothes. Wake up an hour before you need to leave. Try to get them dressed and ready to go in 45 minutes and take 15 to make sure nothing was left behind.
8. Get everyone in the car, sticking with your groups. Then check out and pack the luggage in again. Leave about 3 hours before your flight takes off, as you want to check in 2 hours early. Just talk or rest on the way to the airport- don't let the kids unpack their carry-on bags. Then you don't have to re-pack them. When you get to the airport, it will be crazy. Again, take groups. Make everyone hold hands. Have the parents check in, and gather the luggage. Again, have each child carry as much as they can, whether it be their carry-on bag or their suitcase and carry-on.
9. It's going to be difficult to eat anything before security, because there aren't too many restaraunts/ cafes before hand. Depending on the various likes and dislikes of your group, you could splurge and eat at one of the restaraunts, or you could buy the mini boxes of cereals and eat on the floor.
10. Make sure all of the carry-ons meet TSA guidelines. Take all the carry-on bags off the children and put them on the conveyer belt. Take all shoes off. You shou

Ideas for airplane/travel toys for 3yr old girl & 19mo old boy?


I will be taking a 3 1/2 flight with my two preschoolers by myself and am trying to come up with toys that may hold their attention for part of the flight. I'm hoping they will sleep some, but am trying to come up with fun ways to pass the time. We have lots of toys, but nothing that holds their attention for that long. Any ideas from frequent travelers?

I've been flying internationally and domestically with my children since they were 2 months (now 7&5). At least three trips a year are the children and I traveling internationally alone. Here are some tips and advice that have always worked for me and I hope will help you:

1.) You will need to have all your children's documents in order. It is a good idea to keep a copy of their notarized birth certificates with you. Verify what travel documents you will need in advance to make sure you have everything.

2.) FAA regulations currently allow children under the age of two to fly free of charge as "lap children" (not required to have their own seat). You will need to inform the airline ahead of time that you will have a small infant traveling with you. There is only one lap child allowed per adult.

The Flight Attendants should place you in a front seat where you will have more room. Depending on the airline, the Flight Attendants might give you a bassinet that attaches to the front wall to put your child in (however you can not uses this during taxi, take-offs, landings, or turbulence). If they do not give you a bassinet, you and your husband will have to hold the children the whole flight.

This is not the safest way for a child to fly and the airlines recommend children to have their own seat with a child safety device.

For your oldest child, you will need to buy him/her a seat.

3.) I advise using a CRS (Child Restraint System) for both children because it is safe for the child - especially during turbulence, makes them feel secure, is more comfortable for both parent and child, and gives both of you the opportunity to relax a bit, especially since you will be traveling by yourself.

A CRS is a hard-backed child safety seat (car seat) that is approved by the government for use in both motor vehicles and aircraft.

In order to be certified for use on an airplane, the car seat has to met the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Check the labels on the side of your car restraint for a sticker (words will be printed in red) for verification that your seat is safe for airplane use.

Many airlines offer half-price tickets so parents can be guaranteed that their child can travel in a CRS device. You should call your airline to ask for a discount and/or ask what the airline's policy is for using empty seats.

4.) For take-offs and landings, the best thing you can do to help with the ear popping, is: if your youngest is still nursing, nurse him/her. If he/she is not nursing, and for your older child, give them a bottle or something to drink (formula, milk, water, juice- it doesn't matter) or a pacifier.

Baby formula is fine to take, and you are not limited to the amount you can bring aboard (as long as your child is with you), do not worry.

New regulations allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz, -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. with you also.

Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the Flight Attendants will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

You can also place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears to help with the ear popping.

Another trick is that if your child is not taking to the pacifier or wanting to nurse or drink, gently rub her neck from the chin down to the chest several times - this will cause a swallowing motion which will help with the ears popping.

5.) Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your children, such as a few books, toys, a portable DVD player (or a laptop) with a few movies, and one or two comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal.

My children like to bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), and scrap paper so that they can make their own drawings with and play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, and my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit from target (about $5 for the small one and $10 for the large one) is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, and stickers that they can color.

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, and tell stories to your children as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where they have a part in it so they stay interested. You can also explain things that are happening or going to happen on the plane to them, and ask them questions, such as what do you think the weather is going to be like when we land? etc.

You might also consider going to the store and letting your children (at least your older one) pick out their own carry on bags and a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without your children seeing so that they have an extra surprise when they open their carry ons.

If you are not in a hurry to get off the plane first, towards the end of your flight, ask the flight attendants if you and your children may be able to view the cockpit. This is something that is usually reserved for the end of flights because before the flights pilots are too busy preparing for the flight. Here are some pictures I took one time when I sat in the cockpit with my husband last year.

Don't be afraid to get up and walk the aisles with your children. This will help to break up the length of the flight and let them stretch their muscles.

6.) Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your children. You will need this in case they get sick, spill something on themselves, or in case your luggage gets lost.

7.) Keep your diaper bag well stocked with plenty of diapers, wipes, ointments and other essential things. Baby nail clippers and scissors are not allowed though. Just remember the new regulating liquids, gels, and such and pack accordingly. You can usually find travel size baby products in stores and they are wonderful for plane use.

If your youngest is still in diapers, you should be respectful of other passengers and always change your child's diaper in the restroom. They do have diaper bed changers in there, although they can be a little small.

8.) Keep your doctors name and number with you. Also get the name and number of a doctor where you are visiting in case an emergency should come up.

It is a good idea to have a check-up with your doctor before leaving to make sure your children are healthy enough to fly. If they have even a slight cold, the pressure in their ears during take-off and landing (even if you do the precaution methods) could leave their ears aching for days after the flight.

Most doctors recommend that if anyone is sick (such as being stuffed up or already having an earache), not to take the flight because of the potential damage to the ears. I know my husband and other pilots do not work if they are sick because of this danger.

9.) Bring any medications that you might need for your children should they get sick or that they take regularly. Remember that if they are not prescription medications, the 3oz rule applies to them and they must be kept in a clear plastic bag.

Do NOT give your children medicine with the hopes of it making them sleep. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.

10.) Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it.

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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