Thursday, February 13, 2014

Potty training advice for a boy. What tricks or products helped you?


We have just started our potty training journey. My son is 2 yrs and 2 mnths old. He expressed an interest in using the potty after seeing a friend at a playdate use one. We have bought the training pants, a couple of books, one potty for downstairs (which he has covered in stickers to make it more friendly) and a toddler seat to put on top of the regular toilet upstairs (with a stool so he can get up and down). We are just starting out. Should I invest in a travel potty too? Some friends are using chocolate and candy for rewards, will stickers and a reward chart above his potty chair be enough? Was there 1 product that you couldn't do without? I know that every child is different but any advice is welcome at this stage.
Thanks in advance.

we just started potty training our son jason hes 18 months and we took his potty into the living room and we let him sit on it as if it was a reading chair so hes use to it olny being his chair. Then we took it into the bathroom and he sits on it everytime we go to the restroom. Then we took off his clothes to his diaper. And he sat on there fine. Now he tells us when he needs to go and we take off his diaper and he sits on it all by him self and uses it. So you might wasnt to try it.

Which toddler travel potty seat?


I need a travel potty seat for my 3 yr old. I have one, but it's just not working for us. It seems there are LOTS of options and I would like to get opinions from other moms about which one is the best. I need something that I can use for car trips, airplane trips, and mostly for using when out shopping or running errands.

Teach your child to sit on a regular toilet. There are no potty seats in daycare/preschool and deffinately none in elementary school. It has been found that children who are used to "potty seats" will not go to the bathroom in school or even wet themselves because they don't have the "familar" potty seats. Best to train your child to the ways of the world than the world trying to accomdate your child.

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