Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What to make for my 2 year old?


My son is turning 2 on Monday. I want to make him a fun birthay present. But, I am short on ideas. Please give me some.

Here are a couple with some great ideas using many things already found around the house. I hope you find something you like and happy birthday to baby!!

questions about a toddler on a road trip? sorry so long?

awesome mo

a couple friends of mine and i will be taking a road trip next summer about 6 hours away to visit our other friend who is in college in the city we will be visiting. My son who will be around 22 months old at the time is going too. If you have any advice at all, general or specific i will be glad to hear it. I also have some specific questions. We will be going for a week, driving out and back and staying in a hotel, 2 beds all 4 of us in 1 room. We will be driving a toyota rav 4, which is like a sporty suv.
please answer thoroughly and be as detailed as possible and I will be choosing best answer.

1. I am not sure what to do about sippy cups. I thought about taking juice boxes, but I don't want my son sucking down sugary juice that i can't dilute the whole week, plus i imagine he would get tired of that and that would mean no milk or water, just whatever flavor of juice box i brought. Not to mention that i absolutly cannot turn my son loose with a juice box and ESPECIALLY not in the car.He squirts and squeezes them everyplace.What can I do about the accumulation of dirty sippy cups?

2.What are some good travel friendly snacks to take along? either commercial brands or homemade or generic.

3.I have already thought to take some huggies or similar disposable washcloths and a bottle of kids shampoo. any other ideas on how to make bathing time easier while on vacation? i am assuming worst case scenerio is that he will have to shower with and their will be no tub.

4. What can I transport toys in and what can I store them in once were at the hotel? I know we will not be spending tons of time at the hotel but he will need something to play with in the car and before bed or when we are getting ready to go places. I know i will not need a ton of toys but i don't want him to get bored with his selection either.

5.Any other suggestions about traveling with a toddler? Anything I should not forget to take?

also i have never done this sort of thing before so i have no idea how much emergency $ is a good idea to take or anything like that.
I have no clue where to even begin on finding a cheap hotel, planning stops along the way or any of that. Are there any websites that let you plan that way?

Any tips on traveling period and traveling with a toddler will be greatly appreciated.

please star! thank u!
i asked this yesterday but only got a couple answers, while good insights i am looking for some more ideas to toss around
also, what do other parents think of huggies overnights and pampers extra protection diapers? do they hold alot more or what? I think that would be a good idea for the car ride in the least.

also this may sound like i'm an idiot but i truly do not know-what is the deal with hauling luggage on the luggage rack ?do you bungee cord it down or what? are their any legal laws or anything about doing that? what do you do if it rains
how long should we stop for? i am hoping to stop at 2 or 3 rest areas and have a ball in the car or something so he can play and run around not just wait in the car or run into a gas station real quick. are there any websites i can look at that i can pick where we stop based on what is right off the interstate and where the rest stops are located?

We took our 20 month old (at the time) on a 12 hour drive to visit Grandma and Grandpa last Christmas.

1. Our son didn't really drink juice or milk as an essential drink, so we just used water in the car. When his sippy was empty, we refilled it. But, one idea could be to just give him water while you're in the car, save juice for meals and whatnot, and milk for sleeping times actually at the hotel. Take a bottle brush and a small bottle of dish soap with you to wash the sippies out in the hotel sink. If you're worried about keeping the milk and juice fresh, you could get juice boxes and milk boxes (yes, they make milk boxes), pull open the top a bit, snip off the end, and then pour it into his sippy cup (also cuts down on straw-box mess).

2. If you can get a few different kinds of dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, apple slices...), a couple of different kinds of crackers, and either cheese sticks or pre-cut cheese, you can make a balanced meal out of his low-mess snacks if you needed to. Take a little cooler with you in the car if you need to.

3. Travel bottles of baby shampoo/wash is an awesome idea for baths while you're at the hotel. Even if you do have to shower with him, it shouldn't be too bad; he may actually enjoy it by next summer. If you have to shower with him, get yourself clean first, then take him in with you. You could also take a bath cup (or the ice bucket from the hotel) and fill it with warm water and use that to pour over him. Another idea could be to just do sponge baths with him while you're there.

4. How many toys are you wanting to take, how big are they, and what level of containment do you want? You could just toss them all into a cloth bag, or use a shoe-box type storage tupperware. You don't have to over think this one. Use what's comfortable for you.

5. Don't forget his special toy, blanket, and pillow. Be prepared to play lots of fun and silly games with him in the car to keep him occupied, and sit in the back next to him.

Diapers: Don't bother with extra absorbent diapers, and plan to stop often to change them. We didn't realize this, but diapers normally get to expand a lot to absorb. When our son was sitting in his car seat, though, their expansion room was limited because he was sitting, which takes away room on the bottom and back, and the harness between his legs gave it less room to expand in the front. We actually had to change his diapers more frequently than normal because they just didn't have the room to hold as much before leaking.

Stopping every 2 hours or so lets you make sure that you can change diapers before they leak from being squished (and avoid a peed on car seat!) and gives him lots of opportunities to get out and run around. To make the trip easier, I'd suggest not bothering with rest areas. Stop at gas stations instead. They aren't ideal, but you can jump around with him in the parking lot and help him play safely for a bit. They're super easy to find right off of the interstate at most exits, and you can make sure that you keep at least 1/2 a tank of gas in the car in case you get stranded on the side of the road for a while.

Finding cheap hotels... are you more comfortable talking on the phone or looking online? Try or or something similar (or email me and I'll help you).

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