Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do you maintain routine during the holidays?


Weâre traveling for the holidays to visit my husbandâs family (someone please save me!) and Iâm somewhat stressing about my son breaking his routine. Now donât get me wrong, Iâm not one of those anal Momâs that freaks if my son is 5 mins late for bed. Everything in moderation. However, I know that because weâll be traveling, because weâll be in unfamiliar territory, our 2 yr old son will probably have a bit of a hard time going down and adjusting to his new surroundings.

My husband had mentioned to me having Christmas Even at his uncleâs house which starts about 4 or 5 pm. Then AFTER we go there, having a Christmas Eve thing at his sisterâs house (who will be at the uncleâs house). And the way the family works, we wonât start the second party till about 9 pm and well, I think thatâs just inconsiderate because of the kids. But I also wonât get involved because his family scares me . LOL.

So my question is, do you maintain your bedtime routine (and nap routine) during the holidays? If you are traveling, is keeping routine a biggie or is it not a huge deal?

Thanks for your advice!

I try to keep my son's routine as much as possible but sometimes you just can't. I understand about the "family" issues since I have a few of those myself. Don't you just love in-laws. Just remember 1 or 2 days off schedule won't be too bad and you can get him back on schedule upon returning from vacation. Just try to get a nap in before the 4PM party and get him to bed whenever you politely can (or he may even fall asleep from the excitement of the day). Look on the bright side if he gets too cranky they may want you to leave.

Joking aside, I would try to pack a small sleeping bag (we have a Ready Bed for vacations and such occasions) or his favorite blanket for him. That way he could sleep in another room at the second party. My son did that the first couple Christmas Eves at grandma's house when it got too late. Amazon sells ready beds and I put the link below. Depending on what you buy they offer free shipping. I got mine at Toys R Us.

I'm a teen parent and I'm in need of help for caring for my coming up newborn baby?

Labarron P

I'm in need of a list of things that'll help me take care of a baby boy. I'm a teen still in high school. Please give me a list of things I've have to do and things I'll need to take care of my son who will come into this world this August of 2013. Please NO crazy answers. Thanks.

I'm a teen parent as well to a baby boy :) receiving blankets works wonders so get lots of them! Bottles and a few pacifiers if you plan on giving your son one. I say a few because they tend to disappear alot lol. Get nice soft blankets as well and bibs. I would become a toys r us member and recieve emails for right now they are having a sale on wipes 448 ct for only $13! Stock up on wipes and diapers. For the diapers don't bother buying newborn unless your son is close to like 7lbs. Also you wouldn't want to buy the big box of newborn size diapers because they tend to grow out of them quicker. When you do buy diapers stock up in all different sizes helps alot! Clothes are very important. Marshall's has nice clothes but always look for sales. Onesies will also become your best friend and don't buy the baby gown thing for them to sleep in for its a pain in the ass. I found night outfits with zipperes much easier for when my son woke up in the middle of the night. You will need a crib, bassinet if you choose not to co sleep with your son. I have a changing table but barely use it for I co sleep and its so much easier to change him on my bed. Socks you will also need as well. Relax I know this may seem like a long list to a teen because I know it did too me! Just each day or week go out and get something you know you really need. Pack up on baby soap and get a baby bathtub as well. Get lotion bath towels and washcloths. Another thing you will need is nail clippers for a baby. Toys r us sells one with a magnify glass on it so you know what your doing, helps alot. If you are thinking about getting a pack n play, don't buy the complex one. They are expensive and a pain in the ass. Buy a nice cheap one and save money that you could put somewhere else. If you plan on not co sleeping buy a mattress protector for the crib and spare one too. I would go to wic now and apply they really can help out alot. Catch a lot of deals on baby water and formula as well. Get a swing and bouncer and stock up on batteries now. I would buy a travel system, Walmart has nice ones and they can be cheap. I hope I helped and congrats on your son. Don't listen to the people out there that say teens shouldn't have kids. People don't understand that shit tends to happen and I say fuck them all

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