Sunday, February 16, 2014



my son and i are leaving on a trip tonight.

what are some ways i can keep him calm througout the flight?
the last time he flew he was 6 weeks.
he's 7 nothing really holds his attention span that much.

My daughter and I travelled when she was 7 months too. I brought a lot of toys which she didn't end up using on the plane. Although, she did had a good time with one toy which I attached to her stroller when we were at the airport. It was a cloth book that has teethers on the sides and a mirror-like thing on one of its pages.

What I found out helpful while on the plane was having different things to eat. I brought her some baby goldfish crackers, gerber graduates cookies arrowroot, and gerber graduates crackers. I also brought her favorite gerber sweetpotatoes (for lunch!) And I made sure she had water before we went aboard (but you can ask water in the plane though). Because she's not hungry, she just dozed off to sleep.

Hope this helps...

Is it safe to travel with 5 month old baby across country?

Naomy Rodr

Yes. Make sure you have baby buckled in a correct car seat (if travelling by car, plane or train) and bring plenty of clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles and/or baby food. Bring a baby rusk or something similar for baby to suck on, bring toys that he can't drop such as a hanging toy, to save you having to stop and pick it up all the time. Make sure you change baby's diaper frequently as it isn't very comfortable for them sitting in a car seat in their own pee/poop. Bring diaper rash cream, baby paracetamol, colic medicine if needed, thermometer etc. just make sure you bring EVERYTHING baby may need.

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