Friday, December 27, 2013

Is she a Toy or Miniature Australian Shepherd?

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Sorry if this posted twice.
My almost 11-month-old pup is 13.5 inches at top of her shoulders and only 17 pounds. I'm reading different requirements for the Toy and Mini Aussie.

The Breeder said she's a Miniature and should get up to our knees at her shoulders and weigh 25 pounds, but I think she's pretty much done growing.

Owners/Breeders, your thoughts on what size/type she is?

Please excuse all the people stating your dog is a mutt in less than tasteful ways. I have a 6 month old 16lb 14 inch tall Miniature Australian Shepherd. She is also pretty well done growing. A Miniature Australian Shepherd is a breed of dog called a North American Shepherd and come in a variety of sizes. However, because people seem to be very picky with how large or small their dogs are now instead of just how well they herd and get along with the horses, small ones are bred only to small ones and large ones to large ones. Thus the Toy and Miniature categories. Your girl seems to be bordering the two sizes a bit but would be considered a mini by breeders because she would be likely to whelp larger male pups. Also anyone looking for a purse dog would consider her much to large.
The reason you find standards that vary is because all in all they are the same breed. A North American Shepherd. Known as a Miniature Australian Shepherd the North American Shepherd has had a smaller size since the Aussie breeds were established 100 years ago. "Standard" Australian Shepherds were preferred for large livestock run on a farm. "Miniature" Australian Shepherds were preferred for travel because they were small enough to be pulled up onto a horse to ride. Both breeds are excellent herders.
Your girl is only .5 inch under the now imposed standard for the North American Shepherd but as long as your not planning to compete she is a wonderful size. P.S. avoid using terms like Mini or Toy in online forums. Many people online have a deep seeded hate for those words and will attack you as though your some animal hording back yard breeder with no teeth. I know I announced the adoption of my Miniature Australian Shepherd in one and people went nuts as though they have thoroughly researched every single breed of dog in all of history.

How do you make a 9 hour drive not feel so long for a 8 month old?

Q. I'm driving to Arizona tomorrow for the holidays with my 8 month old. a 9 hour drive. Any tips on how to make it go smoothly?

Lots of toys and Baby Einstein or something like Sesame Street or sing -a-long DVD's if you have a player that is and my best advice is make frequent stops and longer stops, find reststops with restaurants and let the baby move around for a bit.....we travel 7 hours to New York and 23 hours to Louisiana once a year each and I have a now 20 month old, we've made trips since he was 2 months old to see family b/c unfortunately we have no one close to us so we have no choice, he's been to New York twice and Louisiana twice and our most recent trip when he was 17 months old was the most challenging trying to keep him entertained, the younger months were a bit easier for us anyway!!! Good luck and safe travels :)

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