Friday, December 27, 2013

I need Input on traveling by Air India with 2 year old daughter.?

toddler travel vomiting on ... is diseases, especially diseases that cause excessive vomiting
toddler travel vomiting image

payal p

Hi, I am traveling through Air India with my 2 year old daughter from Chicago to Mumbai. This is my first time traveling with her and I am little nervous as I heard some bad things about Air India. I want to know if you have traveled Air India with a toddler and what was your experience like? For example was flight crew helpful? Do they provide warmed milk for toddlers? I know their entertainment system is poor, so can I take portable DVD player for my daughter to watch her favorite shows? I search through their website but I could not find any answer. I also tried to call them on their four different numbers but all of them are always engaged. My journey is very close, so please reply
Thank you.

you should be fine with the portable dvd player. we travel from japan to the states several times a year and we always bring it for him and it works well for us. other tips- bring her favorite toys and some surprises. i always hit the dollar store (or the 100 yen shop!)ãbefore a flight. we also bring medicine just in case. ibuprofin or tylenol can help with ear pain if she is no longer nursing (nursing helps ears during take off and landing). and you may also want to consider benedryl which can be given to help her sleep. (check with your doctor for the dose). as for the flight staff. they may be too busy to give you special attention but that doesnt mean you wont have help. when i travel alone with the kids people always offer to help- the grandmother type who let my son sleep with his feet on her lap-- the helpful dad on a business trip who will help you carry your stuff when you board. ask people for help--- they want to help but may be shy to offer. also bring lots of snacks and dont be shy about asking for whatever you need during the trip so you daughter wont get dehydrated. also bring plenty of extra clothes for her and an extra shirt for you... i remember the time my son vomited right before landing. what a mess! good luck and have a safe trip!!!

Can my toddler have Pneumonia?


My son got a fever of 103F last Saturday, he's now a lot better with a temperature of 99F or so..
He's eating, drinking and watching DVD's laughing and singing, but he is having some difficulty breathing. I think that this is due to his stuffy nose and his chesty coughs... It's hard cause he doesn't know how to blow his nose he hates the bulb syringe.)
Are there any concerns of pneumonia without a high fever?
There is no vomiting, just coughing pretty badly and breathing harder....

my son is 14 months and is just getting off antibiotics for pneumonia. his is a contagious pneumonia that his pediatrician saw three cases of just in the day we took him in. my son had no fever. he had a very snotty nose in the days prior to our visit and his cough held on ten days (it was not incredibly frequent but yucky sounding) I finally took him in and got a chest x-ray and bingo - pneumonia! I waited so long because we had recently traveled by plane to a dry desert climate from the midwest and that is when his illness began so I assumed it was a cold (from the dirty plane) and the cough that was hanging on was from the arid climate. when it did not get better overnight at home in our usual climate - I called the doc - soooooo glad I did!

EDIT: mine was happy and dancing around and laughing too!

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