Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What was your experience traveling with your baby/toddler?

small travel toys for toddlers on The Fight Between Sayers And Heenan, A Letter To The Nobleman And ...
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Any tips from your personal experience would be great. Can you also say what age your baby was the first time you traveled with him/her & how you prefer to travel? Etc...

Also, what are some items you would recommend (or you think are absolutely necessary) for traveling with a 6 month old baby? & Do you think it would it be better to drive or take a plane or train?

Thanks :)

We have traveled by plane and car several times with our infants and toddlers. Very often we visit my parents in Toronto during the winter break, and with seven children, we have brought our fair share of small children back and forth at least once every year.

My tips are pretty common-sense and are probably things you have already considered, but here they are:

1. Bring some plastic bags that are easy to reach during the trip. Why? Because children get messy and a garbage container isn't always close by. Dirty undies, half eaten goodies, wipes, wet clothes... all these things are likely to happen with little ones and you don't want to be puzzled and grossed out while trying to put these things away.

2. Make sure you pack medication in an easy to reach place in your bag. Prescriptions meds go without saying. Things like tylenol, cough syrup, aspirin for you, a thermometer and band-aids could be your life savers. I don't always use them, but the few times I forgot to bring them were the time I needed them urgently.

3. Do not stuff your bags or trunks with toys, coloring books and movies for the children. By the end of the trip you are likely to realize that most of the stuff you carried went unnoticed and it only robbed you of space and energy by having to carry them around. Plus, some things might get lost if you bring tons of things. If your child is old enough, involves him or her in choosing which toys will come and which will wait at home. If your baby is too little, bring a blankie or something to help him or her sleep and a small trinket to keep them entertained.

4. If you are flying and/or if it is desirable, divide the family into two groups for the trip. We do this when we need to be very practical. My husband or I leave first with most of the luggage and the older children, and the other one follows a few days later with the little children. It isn't the idealized image of a happy family trip with road-trip songs and fun, but it gets us where we want to go quickly and more relaxed. That way, we only have to focus on a few things instead of having to juggle everything at the same time.

5. Bring fresh, comfort food for the trip. We always bring our own lunches and fruits, regardless of the means of transportation. Something dry and easy to eat for the kids is my best bet.

6. If your child is old enough to understand, explain the logistics of the trip. Even if it seems pointless, it helps a little to run over the new things they will be facing (airport crowd, homeland security, long hours sitting inside the car) and also announce that potty time is going to be trickier than usual.

7. If you are traveling by plane or train, ask the travel agency about family-friendly seats. I prefer them. Sitting with other children keeps the kids happier and also spares us most of the anguish of facing annoyed adult fellow-travelers.

I love to travel by train, but the chances are rare and far-between. Driving is fun for certain occassions. If we have plenty of time to get to our destination and it is reasonably close, we will get the old suburban out of the garage and enjoy a family trip. I love the plane because it is quick, but the overall experience of airport, airport security and the plane itself isn't fun for the kids or for us.

Have fun and good luck with your trip.

Suggestions of activities for a toddler and a preschooler on a long trip?


I'll be traveling with my 3 1/2 years old daughter and my 19 months son next week. The flight will take about 7 hours followed by a 14 hours transit time then another flight of about 2 hours. Any suggestions about any activities mainly during the transit time (The first flight is at night so my kids will for sure be sleeping during the whole flight)
Thanks a lot for your help.

I don't have to say what you already know, which is that this could be a difficult trip if you are unprepared.

My first piece of advice is to let the both kids have thier own seats and a car seat (make sure it is approved for use on an airplane, not all are). Even though your son is under two and qualifies as a "lap baby", this will be a very difficult task on this long a trip.

It would be useful to allow the kids some time to run around a bit before boarding, so try to arrive a little early. Don't worry if they are too hyper at this point; let them blow off their energy. See if the airport you are departing from has a children's play area, and let them run loose. Don't skip any naps, but maybe only allow a short ones to keep them ready to sleep during the flights. Skipped nap = cranky toddler; short nap = sleepy toddler... :)

Here are a few other things to consider... First is hydration! The air in the cabin comes in from a source on the engine (called "bleed air"). Being from the ambient air outside, it is remarkably dry. It is around ten to twenty percent relative humidity, if that much at all. The problem here is breathing. We lose water normally from sweat, urination, etc; but in an airplane we also lose a lot from just breathing. The moisture comes out when we exhale.

Any adult can easily become dehydrated if not taking in adequate water, but for a small child, this is an even greater concern. As long as your flights are, you should make sure they stay well hydrated. Avoid sugary drinks, of course; but water, sugar-free, etc. would be useful here.

You will likely have to purchase the water or juice inside the terminal as they do not allow sufficient quantity of liquid through security screening. Also, I do not trust the "tap" water on airplanes; drink only the bottled water...

A bottle or sippy cup, pacifier, teething ring, etc to suck on is also a must. During ascent and descent, the cabin pressure will change and as a result, it is easy to get an ear block. These can be very painful, but are relieved by negative pressure in the mouth and throat. If it is really bad, you can try to yawn with the kids looking at you, the yawn reflex is strong and it often results in equalizing the pressure (ever yawn after watching someone else yawn? or did you just yawn because you've read this?). You can also try gently massaging the forehead, neck, and around the ears if it doesn't clear.

I've flown so many sick kids, I'm pretty good at recognizing the "ear block" before it really becomes an issue; and it during the early onset that it is easiest to treat. Look for

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