Sunday, December 22, 2013

What toys are a must for a toddler on a plane?

travel toys for babies and toddlers on Hearing Loss in Toddlers
travel toys for babies and toddlers image


If you flew with a toddler ( 18 months ), what kept your little one occupied for a while? We have a long overseas flight ahead of us.I expect he won't sit for 8 hours, but I would like to find out what are some best little toys to pack. Thank you so much for the tips!

Portable DVD player.
Colouring books but be prepared to have to keep crouching down on to the floor to pick up the crayons.
Etch-a-sketch is handy.
Little story books and her favourite teddy.
A good idea is to wrap up little toys in gift-wrap and put them in a bag and every half hour or so let her choose one.
Bring plenty of drinks and snacks.
His little ears might hurt so make sure you have a bottle or soother or something similar for him to suck on when taking off and landing.
It can be a nightmare travelling with babies so just ignore anyone who tut tuts about his making noise. It seems like a long flight but you'll get there in the end! Good luck.

What do you do about car seats & strollers when you travel?


I'm thinking of packing up the car seat and checking it in. Then taking an umbrella stroller on board. The problem is hauling the car seat around along with the rest of my bags plus the baby! Is there a better solution? I'm traveling with my 20 month old toddler. Thanks!

This sounds like Deja Vu! I just flew in May when my daughter was 19 months old and I had to think about all of that as well. Here's what we did and it worked great!!! We checked her luggage in with all of the other suitcases because we didn't need it on the plane. She sat on our laps, we didn't buy her her own seat. Is your toddler in their own seat? If so, then they'll have to sit in the carseat. However, at the end of each flight, I would ask the flight attendant if they're able to transport the seat to the connecting flight's plane, that way, when you arrive at the gate to board the plane, it's there and you just have to install it. I would think that they could easily do it! They move luggage to the connecting flight after all!!! As for the stroller, I brought my normal full size stroller because it was more comfortable for my daughter so that she could lay back and sleep. When you check in explain to them that you need to "gate check" your stroller. They'll give you a tag to put on your stroller so that you/they can identify it. When you go to board the plane, you just take out your toddler, break down your stroller, and leave it right there. They'll take it and store it in a special compartment below the plane. When you land, they automatically bring your stroller out so the moment you step off the plane into that connecting hallway, it's right there! It was so convenient and hassle free to fly that way. I know you didn't ask about this...but here's some other flying pointers that worked for me. I went to the dollar store and bought cheap little toys and stuff and I wouldn't let my daughter see it until the day ofthe flight, that way it was something new for her to play with. Also, if you have a portable DVD player I recommend you bring it. My daughter just sat on our laps and watched her movies most of the flights. Good luck flying!!!

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