Sunday, February 16, 2014

Any tips for traveling with a toddler?

blooming c

Sorry if it's been asked before. I have a 5 hour drive tomorrow with my almost 2 year old. Any tips on keeping him entertained? (No DVD player in my car, by the way.)

Make a bag with lots of little toys and fun snacks......Then hide it and take out each one as he gets fussy....the dollar store if best for this and then get some simple tissue paper to wrap them up if you have time....if not just getting something new is a big deal.

Get some tapes with children's when it is his napping the morning have him run around at a park or something to tire him out......Then take a couple breaks at parks where he can run and get out energy.

know where to find homemade baby toy?

Robyn M

when my parents a teachers helper was playing with my son she had very cool homemade too. it was a neat shaped (kinda like a figure 8) plastic bottle filled with bright color beads. i know how to make them but don;t have time time or creativity or a hot glue gun to make sure top is secue. anyone make there or know where i can buy them? i also want one with the colored water and beads or other objects

Here are a few web sites for making or buying homemade baby toys --

Good Luck! ~-~

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