Saturday, February 22, 2014

What do I need? Like everything. New mum.?

<3 Mummy o

Ok, I am 20 weeks with a little boy and I will breast feed for a month or two but due to medications that is the limit (I chose to be off the medication for 2 extra months so my little man can get the colostrum). What I want to know is exactly what I will need...

Bottles? how many? what sizes are necessary?

Clothes? exactly what sizes for the first 6 months? (I am unable to shop for baby clothes where I live so the only chance to get clothes will be when we go away to have him. He will be a winter baby (In Australia) born in June.

I have a cot, change table etc. I don't need to buy any of that.

But what about sheets and blankets, how many sets should I have, like how many bottom sheets, blankets, trow rugs?

We will be using a bassinet so how many sheets and blankets should we get for that?

What about safety? Is it really important to have a monitor? we don't have a huge house but the walls are rather thick? When would you put catches on the cupboards?

We are using cloth nappies/diapers (my mother has already got them lol) what do we need for them, liners? etc.

Anything you can think of PLEASE. I'm going out of my mind,

What toys would you get for a new born? links if possible.

Sorry for asking so much, it just hit me that I'm half way there and according to my medical condition and family history he could be here any where after 30 weeks so that may only give us 10 weeks to get ready, I am hoping and keeping my chin up that he will be full term and there is no problems so far, I just really want to be ready just in case.

to answer your question, we live on a small island in the middle of Bass Strait (Australia), we have to travel on a 45 minute flight to get to the hospital. I do have pre-natel care here however they don't have the equipment here for ultrasounds or delivery, we travel on the flight 4 times throughout the pregnancy and a month before the due date payed for mostly by the government.

We have a small clothes store but nothing really under size 0 and the prices are catastrophic.

I don't want this to come across as rude or anything, I'm just curious. How come you can't buy baby clothes closer to where you live? Why can you only buy them when you "go away" to have the baby? How far do you have to travel for that? How are you getting pre-natal care?
Like I said, I really don't want that to come across as rude, I was just lost as to why you can't buy baby clothes closer to where you live and stuff.

To answer your question, though, I'd get a few sets of everything. Babies can make a lot of mess, it's nice to have extra sets so you don't have to do laundry even more often than you're going to have to. I don't believe newborns really need many toys. They need love and affection. I'd buy a car seat (infant and toddler), a stroller, a playpen, and a bouncer at least. Bouncers can be handy so you don't constantly have to carry the baby around. Maybe a baby sling as well. Buy different sizes for clothes and diapers because babies grow fast. Maybe some children's videos or something. I'm sure you'll do just fine. New mothers are always worried that they don't have enough for the baby. :)

How can I ask family members to move out without ruining our relationship?


I am currently seven mths pregnant, and have an eighteen month old son. I live in a three bedroom apartment with my husband. We both work, I will be finishing up soon to have baby number two and I am really looking forward to spending quality time at home with both of the babies after working full-time for the last few months.

My problem is this. My husband's sister and her boyfriend are living with us. We live in Australia, they are here on a 12 mth working visa.

When they were thinking about coming over, they asked if they could stay with us. We did say that they can stay as long as they like. I assumed that they would be looking for jobs straight away, going out, meeting people, travelling around to see the country etc. We have given them whatever we can, the spare room, I cooked for them for the first two weeks, I have given them my old car to drive around. We haven't asked them for anything.

So far, they have been here for five weeks, and have pretty much done nothing. They sit on the couch all day long, watching crappy daytime tv and using up our internet quota (we have had to increase our plan already). They don't clean, or cook a meal for us. They don't go anywhere apart from down to the shops. They don't contribute to the household in any way. They both smoke like chimneys, and they sit out in our back patio and smoke under the washing line with all my clean clothes on it. They haven't applied for a single job.

It is REALLY stressing me out. I get up at 5am every day to get ready for work, get my baby up and out to daycare. Its winter here now, so its cold and dark. I work all day, come home in peak hour traffic, and when I get home they are ALWAYS here, just sat in front of tv. I would usually put cartoons on for my toddler while I make dinner, but they are always watching stupid old sit coms. If I get his toys out and play with him (we play in the living room) they just sit there and I feel self conscious. They offer unsolicited parenting advice. The boyfriend distracts the baby when I am trying to get him to eat dinner, and plays really rough with him right before bedtime and gets him all riled up. When I have a day at home during the week, they seem to get annoyed that I am in the house, kids shows are on the tv and toys are everywhere. They just get really moody and stay in their room, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable. I can't let my toddler play out the back anymore because they are always out there smoking, and there are cigarette butts everywhere.

My husband knows how pissed off I am getting, we fight about it pretty much every day. But he thinks that its my fault for saying they could stay. His opinion is that we have made our bed.

I don't think I am going to be able to cope when the new baby comes. I have been working so hard so that we can afford for me to take a couple of years off now, and I have been looking forward to it so much.

I don't know what to do. They don't have anywhere else to go, they don't know anybody in this country. My husband doesn't like having them here, but he is not as stressed out about it as I am because I have to deal with the cleaning up and looking after the baby, so it doesn't affect him as much. Our bills are all going to be huge, they have everything turned on all day, and we are about to lose my income.

I find it really hard to say anything to them without sounding really confrontational. They both tend to get very defensive, and I get nervous and start talking too fast and blabbering and apologising.

What can I do?

Yeah, you said they can stay. Now you say you've changed your mind. Helping out relatives is the right thing to do, as long as they don't use you and that is exactly what they are doing, but it's not like you haven't noticed. The way they behave is simply rude. They are lazy and now they've found someone to support that, great for them! This is a great deal of stress for a pregnant woman with an infant on her hand. Take responsibility for your benefit, tell them all to get their act together, your husband included, sorry. So you are seven months pregnant now? A good idea would be two give them a two month deadline to find jobs and a flat and to be out of your house when the new baby comes. They are young, I'm sure they can and will manage, if they really want to.

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