Thursday, February 20, 2014

Air travel with a 7 month old baby girl...?

Nekeura Ma

Ok so I have a long flight... It's like 5 hours to Bangkok then 2 hours stay and then another 2 hours flight to Singapore... I am traveling with a baby for the first time so can u suggest any tips and tricks??? I am intending on taking just a baby bag with me cz I don't want to hand carry alot of stuff especially with a baby in one arm... I am taking the stroller with me. And my baby girl has just started on semi solids like a month ago... So any thing I can give her to keep her calm and entertained? As i said ... Any tips and tricks u can give:) any kind of help will be much appriciated:) thanks...

Here a few quick tips for you.

Firstly, make sure you book a bassinet for your baby to sleep in. Take a change of t-shirt for you, just in case. Take a few soft baby toys and fabric books, linkies and the such like. Food wise, if you can take purees in pouches, they're probably easiest to carry. But check with your airline and airport as to what you are allowed. In the UK, parents have to taste their baby food in front of security staff! (see source for more on security).

Take enough food and milk for all your flights plus a little for delays.

Take a baby carrier if you can as you don't generally get the stroller back until baggage claim. It'll make the walk down the plane steps and through the airport much easier.

Good luck and try and relax.

Air travel with an 11 month old baby?


Hello my 11 month old daughter and I will be flying from Chicago to Seattle in about a week. It's a 3.5-4 hour trip depending on headwinds. I'm wondering what it was like for you to travel with your baby at this age? What did you do to keep your baby busy? Any tips or pointers? What should I pack in the carry-on? I worry about the pressure change and her ears though she's never had an ear infection or any ear issues... Any suggestions to help her get through the change w/minimal discomfort/crying? Many thanks for your suggestions!

I flew recently too and it was a breeze.
If you are breast feeding-take off and landing is a great time for this.Or offer a sippy or binky.
I did give my little one a little tylenol before we left.The pressure did not seem to bother her at all.
Bring lots of toys and snacks.She will enjoy looking out the window or reading some books as well.
Our flight was almost 5 hours and I was so nervous not knowing how she would take it all in.But all was well for us and I believe it will be for you too.We also got seated all the way in the back of the plane so that way she kind of had an area all to herself since she really did not want to be in my lap that whole time.Have fun!

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